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A Case for the Apartment

Honorable delegates,

The administration of Apartment 11F would like to present its case for accession into the World Forum as an observer state. As an internationally recognized free nation, the administration believes it is the right of the Apartment to be accepted in the fashion proposed.

The administration firstly wishes to acknowledge that our peaceful secession from the honorable Republic of Shang Ye is a highly controversial move. However, the administration believes that the act of peaceful secession, and additional cooperation and acknowledgement from the Republic of Shang Ye, are key factors in the legitimacy of the Apartment and its diplomatic ability.

The administration of Apartment 11F additionally wishes to highlight its acceptance into the Bailtem Union as a full member. This act displays to the world Apartment 11F's capability to cooperate and work with other nations and lend a unique perspective while also adhering to and understanding others' opinions.

Finally, the administration of Apartment 11F would like to thank the organizations and sovereign nations that have aided the Apartment in its journey. Beginning from the Republic of Shang Ye for providing a peaceful and everlasting international ally, as well as the Bailtem Union and its member states for its recognition and acceptance of Apartment 11F into its first large international entity. Finally, the Apartment would like to thank nations such as the Peocracy of Huawan and the Federal Republic of Besern for their respective recognition as a free state, as well as all nations who have done so both privately and publicly.

In conclusion, Apartment 11F stands as an undisputed free nation, whose international diplomacy capabilities have been put on full display for nations in the farthest reaches of Pacifica to see. It is up to the member states of the World Forum, many of whom are growing allies, to accept and recognize these accomplishments.
Hi. I'm Scar, and I live in an apartment. I'm the owner of Apartment 11F on NationStates. In TSP-RP, I'm usually seen as Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner who declared sovereignty, Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner and runaway son of two successful galactic businesspeople, or Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner with unknown dimensional capabilities.

Either way, there is a person who calls himself Scar in every universe, and he always lives in an apartment.
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The Ryccian Federation considers this so-called "application" a ridiculous waste of this forum's time and requests that all representatives from this so-called nation be escorted out of the premises without delay.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)

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(12-21-2020, 12:09 AM)Ryccia Wrote: The Ryccian Federation considers this so-called "application" a ridiculous waste of this forum's time and requests that all representatives from this so-called nation be escorted out of the premises without delay.

Forgive me, honorable delegate. The administration of Apartment 11F only wishes to aid as a diplomatic ally to the world. The Apartment wishes no harm upon you or your nation regardless of your opinion on the matter. Please do at least acknowledge that Apartment 11F is not a simple joke. The Apartment is recognized and acknowledged by an aforementioned multitude of nations, most of whom are even members of the World Forum themselves. We merely wish to join as an observer state to expand upon our diplomatic successes as a nation, and aid in the worldwide cooperation of all nations.

Lastly, I would further like to direct you all to the official declaration of Apartment 11F as a free nation. In it, Apartment 11F's legitimacy and significance is explained, as well as several facts about the nation.

(OOC: The link to the declaration can be found here: https://tspforums.xyz/thread-8986-post-2...#pid211357)
Hi. I'm Scar, and I live in an apartment. I'm the owner of Apartment 11F on NationStates. In TSP-RP, I'm usually seen as Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner who declared sovereignty, Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner and runaway son of two successful galactic businesspeople, or Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner with unknown dimensional capabilities.

Either way, there is a person who calls himself Scar in every universe, and he always lives in an apartment.
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The Ryccian Federation is aware of your sovereignty as a free and independent nation, if you can even call yourself by such a title. This does not mean we must respect a living joke unworthy of this body's time. If the sovereignty of a state can be easily extinguished by a landlord who evicts the population due to unpaid rents, why should we even begin to consider this folly?

Honourable representatives, no matter how much the gentleman from 11F attempts to embellish the truth, the matter still stands: this is literally one guy in an apartment who, through a miracle, declared his residence an independent state. We represent the hopes, interests and aspirations of millions of people here, and you are to tell us that one pretentious person in the middle of nowhere can possess a voting power equal to those of actual nations? I might as well declare my house an independent republic, call my divorce a "civil war" and partition my residence in twain so me and my spouse can speak in the World Forum free of charge. This is beyond absurd, it is sheer lunacy. The Ryccian Federation cannot and shall not respect any international body that gives one guy sitting on his couch watching TV the same right to speak they grant representatives entire nations inhabited by millions of people who have a defined history, culture and logical reason to exist as they do.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)

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The Peocracy of Huawan recognizes Apartment 11F as a sovereign state, as recognized by our ally, Shang Ye. However, we do not believe that any benefit comes from their accession as an observer, as we see that the international rule of law, pertaining to territorial disputes, trade agreements and warfare conduct of 11F are heavily dependent on Shang Ye.

The apartment nation is still dependant on Shang Ye for a food source, electricity and water. We also understand that 11F, having no foundations on military or public order, relies on Shang Ye's police force for disputes. The basic tenets of functionality in a working sovereign state is nothing short of nonexistent.

What is strikingly worrisome, from the forum, is the fact that 11F has no land claim. The elevated position in an apartment is its territory, and it is expected that anything below it, is 11F territory, as such a sovereign state would allow. However, with no claim to the building below, we see that 11F is a country without any claimants of land, effectively being the only nation that is in the sky. It's head of state, Chen Xu, would also need to visit Shang Ye every time he would need to get some food, clothes and anything outside of his apartment, making this the only nation in which there would be unpopulated at various times of the day.

Huawan recognizes their independence and their sovereignty given to them by Shang Ye, but in the international form we see that 11F is a vassal state of Shang Ye, and much like the Peonic Overseas Territory of Zhang Hai, the multiple Ryccian vassals and Valkyria's Winston Island, 11F would be well served if it was represented by Shang Ye in the WF, instead of it representing itself.

Lord Gideon Kwah
Royal Delegate to the World Forum
The Peocracy of Huawan

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

(12-21-2020, 12:44 AM)Ryccia Wrote: The Ryccian Federation is aware of your sovereignty as a free and independent nation, if you can even call yourself by such a title. That does not mean we must respect a living joke unworthy of this body's time.

Apartment 11F respects and acknowledges your opinion, and understands that this accession may be controversial to some. Regardless, our delegation thanks you and your delegation for your valued perspective on the matter, whatever that may mean to you.
Hi. I'm Scar, and I live in an apartment. I'm the owner of Apartment 11F on NationStates. In TSP-RP, I'm usually seen as Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner who declared sovereignty, Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner and runaway son of two successful galactic businesspeople, or Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner with unknown dimensional capabilities.

Either way, there is a person who calls himself Scar in every universe, and he always lives in an apartment.
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In the Esfalsan view, if issues of the necessary components of statehood are to be debated, then they should — but in a separate debate. The World Forum may in the future see the need to more clearly define what constitutes a state. The absence of these definitions should not be used to bar entities such as Apartment 11F from holding observer status. In an organization such as the World Forum, and especially pertaining to internal matters of the World Forum itself, the views of individual states should not reign supreme over the international order. In this case, it is clear that the sovereignty of the Apartment has been recognized by Shang Ye. The concerns of individual states as to whether such a declaration of sovereignty is in the best interests of the Apartment, or even whether such a declaration is a 'joke,' undermines the basic principles of self-determination and international cooperation. Individual states should not seek to force any course of action upon other states, regardless of whether or not they believe those actions would be in the best interests of another state.

Esfalsa has voted in favor of Apartment 11F's accession to observer status and urges other members of this Forum to do the same.

Robert Sontheimer, Esfalsan Ambassador to the World Forum
[Image: flag%20of%20esfalsa%20animated.svg] Esfalsa | NationStatesWiki | Roleplay | Discord

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Considering Eareamland recognizes Apartment 11F, and is it's ally, we would gladly aid them in joining the WF.
"Maybe embarassing yourself is an Earamian thing..."
-StoicMetoik, 4:02 PM, 17/04/2022
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The Federal Republic in GI-Land has a conflicted point of view.
While we don't recognise the statehood of Apartment 11F, it is a fact, that Shang Ye has granted the living area of the honourable Chen Xu as sovereign. Thus it has become its own entity.

Let us refer to the resolution, which set up, how the World Forum gains new members and observers. According to Section A, No. 1 only states can become members of the World Forum. Apartment 11F however has applied for observer status. That's why Section C, No. 1 applies, which is reading: "A state or non-state entity applying for observer status (‘Observer Applicant’)". Apartment 11F can and, due to the international treaties between it and Shang Ye, should be seen as at least a non-state entity. Thus the legality of Apartment 11F's application is out of question and it's worrisome to me, that some honourable delegates want to bar this non-state entity simply out of reasons tied to their ego instead of at least attempting to find good reasons against 11F joining the WF - again - as an observer. Observer. Observer. I want to stress that word, because it means, they only have a right to speak. Not to vote. They are not endangering any interests in any way with the right to speak from our point of view.

Last but not least, I want to correct the Huawanian delegate on two things. First of all there are nations out there in Pacifica*, that rely on other nations heavily to maintain their statehood. Maybe you see them as vasall states too, but in our interpretation your land claim argument was much better.
Also Winston Island is not a vasall state of Valkyria, but an own integral region of Valkyria since 2018 or 2019. I apologise for not being sure about the exact date, but since the foundation of the centralised republic, Winston Island is not a dependency at all anymore as far as I'm aware of.

Anyway after having thought about this matter for quite a while, we have decided to vote in favour of granting 11F the observer status independent from our viewpoint on their individual status as a state.

Thank you for listening.

Helene Meise
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of GI-Land

* OOC: IRL I'd bring up the case of the Vatican and Palestine. Both are states or non-state entities (depending on how you look at it), that depend heavily on Italy and Israel respectively to maintain their de facto (and sometimes de jure) statehood, e.g. when it comes to national security or for having enough food. This is why imo the argument falls flat. I just assumed now, there are nations like this in Pacifica, even if not in the TSP-region, without defining anything further as this would be against our canonicity rules. Huawan may of course still see such states as vasall states, but I hope you understand better with that, where I am coming from, even if we should disagree Smile
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)
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The the Peonic delegation would be glad to agree in the points by the delegation of Esfalsa, but we must state that we agree in disagreeing with the delegation of Gi-Land. Reasons as follows.

If the honourable delegate, Helene Meise, believe that there is merit to have this "non-state entity" to be a part of the World Forum, then it is more of a testament, than anything else, on what passes as a functional non-state entity to the Gi-Lanndian delegation, for an institution as important as the World Forum. A testament to the flaws of thought, in setting a precedent that anyone, regardless of qualities, could be an entity that is able to speak their mind in the committee and courts of the World Forum, and influence the decisions relating to international policies. For Huawan believes that the ability to speak, in the World Forum, is almost as important as the ability to vote, and should not be given so haphazardly like the delegation of Gi-Land were to "correct" us

The decision that creates a precedent, in which a single man with no political, government or international experience that is appropriate to the function of decision-making in this organization, is worrisome, and those that agrees in our decision to say nay, may share the common sentiment. Because such blatant foolishness is exactly the reason why world organizations, such as the Southern Cooperation Organization, the Southern Socialist Organization and the United Front have all failed in mediating and operating on the very things they preach, their inability to be professional in conduct and failing to understand the purpose of the organization to begin with.

The World Forum is an organization with a purpose to maintain peace, facilitate cordial relations and foster social, economic, and environmental development. A forum that facilitating multilateral discussion and arbitrates a court. If, however, the delegation of Gi-Land, as well as other members of the World Forum truly believes that a man in an apartment that reportedly got the declaration of independence from a night clouded with hard liquor, and a man that's sole purpose to create a sovereign country would be to sell merchandise, a nation without any lawful claim of land territory of any sort, a nation that is fully dependant on a larger state for the basic tenets of human living, be in the same speaking position as more astute institutions like the Peocracy, then the Honorable Peonic delegation shall only nod in understanding.

For if the delegations like the honourable delegate Helena Meise, of which I have the respect for her that she deserves, were to take the simple disagreements of the reasoning of our votes with a substantial amount of salt, reasoning which was asked by the delegate of 11F himself and we feel glad to oblige. Then we can only shake our head in displeasure, that they have taken such a way in expressing their opinions.

As such, if the honourable head of state Chen Xu and 11F were to be voted in as an observer, we shall treat your delegation with the upmost respect it deserves. We shall not try to "correct" your judgement, and take it into consideration, as with the thoughts of other members and observers. The Peocracy of Huawan, under her honourable Nuwang, shall respect the decisions and reasoning of the accession vote, as with any entity. For allies or not, we are all members of the world forum and our humble Peocracy shall treat them with respect. No matter the power they have in the flow of discussions, and we shall take the liberty of not questioning, or rather, blatantly "correcting" respective reasonings on votes as a member of the World Forum, no matter how much we disagree with them.

Lord Gideon Kwah
Royal Delegate to the World Forum
The Peocracy of Huawan

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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