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Charting a Path

The Peony's Manor, Lian, 17th of March, 2019

[Image: R.68470132cbbc8d3f44becc056aa78d50?rik=C...ImgRaw&r=0]
It was close to lunch, and the matrons were busy preparing the dishes in the kitchen. Sauteed vegetables and chicken on the wok while the rice was steamed with stock. The manor's matrons continued as they cooked, it will take some time until lunch is ready to be served, but The Peony is willing to wait.

Meanwhile, at the right wing of the manor, both Aran Koigataki and Sebastien Lister are browsing around The Peony's father's collection of heritage items. In particular her father's collection of indigenous Poenic cloths and textile, all that was of great interest for him and his research. Clothing and garments were a great link between understanding the mindset of the paeonisians, as different garment materials and embroidery would have cultural signifiers of identity, status, and wealth for makers, users, and observers alike. He was trying to find a link between the people of Huawan and the people of the frost empire, and the symbolism from garments might be the key to it.

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Aran continued to shuffle through different types of garments while opening catalogs of garments neatly preserved like stamps. Sebastien Lister stood there austerely, though he was bored out of his mind. He was molded and smithed to become a disciplined royal guardian of The Peony of Huawan, and he had his share of fights and anything concerning his past. Rin was a tough teacher and an even harder taskmaster for the royal guardians, yet their loyalty towards the guardians and The Peony of Huawan was unwavering.

Nevertheless, even Rin's special training can't get him to stop being disinterested in these things. Sebastien's type of fun time is drinking at the nearby pub while watching some wrestling or playing some paisho with the old men near the manor complex while drinking some sugarcane juice. Accompanying this foreign four-eyes bigwig looking at textile cloths is another level of boring. Luckily, Sebastien was good at poker, and he has a very good poker face.

Aran continued to look at the garments and take pictures of them for reference, he took some notes on his tablet and at times gave a sigh. He's still wondering about the things that happened half an hour ago, the bizarre encounter with Rin, and her facets all served to him in a single half an hour. Of her austerity, of her passion, of her drive, of her fears, of her insecurities, of her anger, and of her embarrassment. When Sebastien met with Aran moments ago, Aran quickly put his collared shirt back on and came back to earth, he was still wondering whether the entire encounter with Rin was real, it seemed like something someone would sloppily write.

Aran took his glasses off and stretched a bit, before sneaking a gaze at Sebastien Lister. He wondered where he's seen this man before, he's certainly not a part of the usual set of members from the Royal Guardians, the man was taller with a stronger build, not to mention caucasian. Yet he wore the official royal guardian uniform, well, not the ceremonial one at least.

"Honorable guardian," said Aran, "may I be so blunt in asking who you are, where have I seen you before, and why you look awfully familiar?"

Sebastien faced Aran, and bowed a bit.

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"Permission to answer, honorable prince." said Sebastien, "I am Sebastien Lister of The Peony's Royal Guardians. I believe I've met you on the day of my employment, honorable prince."

"Sebastien." Aran though he's definitely not from the Peocracy all right. He continues to speak, "and when would that day be? If I may ask."

"It is.." Sebastien didn't know how to answer the question respectfully without saying such a crass remark on his employer, "on the 26th of May, 2017, honorable prince."

"Ah," Aran said. He came to understand what Sebastien Lister meant, that interesting day. Come to think of it, what a weird turn of fate this is. Two people who were in the running to court The Peony, ended up staying for something else, whilst The Peony sees Aran as a confidant, Sebastien became an employee under the Peonic Royal Guardians. What were the chances that an event as insane as the secret courting for The Peony led the both of them here?

"So... you were...my rival, of some sorts," claimed Aran, as he tried to smirk.

[Image: R.f2805b7718ece602bb3037d761b4fe11?rik=v...ImgRaw&r=0]
"Yes, honorable prince." Responded Sebastien, he still remembered when it was "his turn". The man ended up trying to look his best while eating the best noodles he ever tasted. The Peony just looked at the man in front of him, a man with a great appetite and a sense of realism. The Peony can read a lot of people, and he knew well enough the facade of "a gentlemen" he was putting on was a clear fake. Yet it was his honesty that made The Peony interested, even asking him of his actual motives, motives that ended up him becoming offered an opportunity to become a member of the Royal Guardians.

"It's a better life now, at least." Sebastien thought, although sometimes he couldn't hide his little crush on The Peony of Huawan, which she herself knew and accepted as goodness whilst inferring nothing more.

Now it was awkward between the two, one that was held back by code, conduct, and boredom. While another, a man that has unaccommodating social skills, especially after the things that happened a while ago.

"So honorable guardian," said Aran, trying to break the air, "how are you doing as a royal guardian?"

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"If I may be blunt, honorable prince. The process has been a tough one, but it's a living, being the royal security detail. I wonder what came to the Peony's thoughts when she offered me this job, the empress told me that if I was unwilling to return back to Floodport, that I could stay, and she would give me employment." Said Sebastien, trying so hard to remain cordial. "The empress told me if I had any skills, she knew that I wasn't the brightest man she's ever met, but I only have my body to offer. She certainly wasn't going to make me a pencil pusher."

"So she offered you a job in the royal guardians?" Asked Aran, intrigued.

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"It seemed like something easier. Under The Peony, all I had to do was to keep her from harm's way and wear a suit. A bodyguard, easy enough, much like my....previous employments." Sebastien said, "however when I was introduced to the High Knight, the head of the Peonic Royal Guardians, I certainly didn't expect that I'd be going to hell and there was no coming back."

"The High Knight?" Asked Aran, knights aren't something that Huawan would have, and it's the first time he's ever heard the existence of knights. "He's the leader of the royal guardians?"

[Image: 159605797-e1358530872686.jpg?w=720]
"..She, honorable prince, was one of the harshest and cruelest women I've ever met in my training to become the guardian. Apart from needing near-perfect fluency in mandarin and passing the intelligence exams, we were trained in many different types of combat martial arts. But nothing comes close to the signature."

Aran listened, he had thought that the training was a standard-issue, like the ones that he saw with his family back in the Frost Empire. He was wondering about this "signature".

FaoLing Monastery, Aweiqinna, 6th of October, 2017

[Image: R.763bd9ce1886387f66986f7322af7260?rik=i...1&sresct=1]
The High Knight stood infront of Sebastien, a woman shorter than him with a bit more leader build. Yet she had bested him multiple times with her blades in various spars. It was a cold, it was harsh, it was nothing like he's seen before.

"I've told you that I did not need to get myself a weapon," said the High Knight, as she pointed the swords at his neck "I'll take your blades from you once you were through with them."

The rest of the guardians stood silently around the entire proceeding. Watching Sebastien continuously being defeated again and again by the high knight, Sebastien was much larger and stronger, but crude, The high knight was weaker, smaller but quicker and more precise.

"Your hardware is of the highest quality, mister Lister." said the High Knight, lowering her swords, "but your software is one of the worst I've ever seen, it has method, but it's crude. It'd be difficult to teach you from scratch with our usual techniques."

"I am prepared to do anything," said Lister. "I can't go back, I can't go back."

"...Your spirit is wild, mister Lister. Your state has to be calm, free of anger, irritation, fear, self-pity, delusion, and pride." said the High Knight, "You are is much well suited to learn the combats of your own country, the Izaakian Krav Maga or the Karnetvorian Systema, but first, you must throw away all that's within your spirit that imbalances you so."

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"These are necessary in order for you to learn the true way of the guardians, 夭護犧." Said The High Knight, "To protect and sacrifice for the sky, once known, your entire body will be a weapon, a weapon to protect the, the sky, to protect the Peocracy, and her Peony."

"If taught, I will learn it." Said Lister, bowing to the ground "I will serve The Peony of Huawan."

The High Knight gave a nod, she knew that Sebastien Lister was a difficult person to train as a Royal Guardian. Yet she persisted, her instructors would certainly mould him to be ideal.

"Very well, we shall impart upon you the teachings of the guardians." said the High Knight.

The Peony's Manor, Lian, 17th of March, 2019

"The High Knight of The Peonic Royal Guardians, its a position made for the leader of the royal guardians. A position was given to The Peony's most trusted confidant." said Sebastien, "I think the honorable high commodore Zheng He once held this position for The Peony's grandmother, The Peony Lingxin Yan."

"And I assume the high knight is your superior?" Asked Aran.

"In a way, she's more to the leading guardian in every operation to protect The Peony. She's not exactly the strongest out of all of us, but there is more to the royal guardians than strength alone." Explained Sebastien, "it's also interesting to note that the high knight is The Peony's own sister."

"Really? I didn't know the Peony has another sister." Aran remembered what happened in the Spring Festival Ball this year, when The Peony's older sister has finally reconciled with her older sister. It was a scandal for an entire month in the news, one that was discussed constantly for a week after the festivals.

"Yes, well she's not exactly the most famous royal. Unlike some of your cousins or other royal members in the region, honorable prince," said Sebastien.

"I understand." Aran said, "Sebastien, if I may ask. What is Miss Kagamine like?"

"Why are you inquiring about The Peony's sister, honorable prince?" Asked Sebastien.

"......Now it makes sense," said Aran, he tried to contain his surprise, living in The Peonic manor, able to go in and out of the kitchen. The lot. It continued to dawn upon him of the facts. "So... the honorable princess Rin Kagamine is the head of the Peonic Royal Guardians?"

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"Chosen by The Peony herself and her mother, the honorable princess had her service in the Peonic Field Army as a soldier, before being promoted to the Peonic Air Service, rising to the rank of Captain First Class. She's also the Wushu gold olympian in the country, I believe she'll soon be a Wushu grandmaster."

"What is she like?" Asked Aran, the thought just came to his mind, and it blurbed out right away. "personality-wise."

Sebastien was interested in gossip, he gazed left and right to ensure no one was listening in, even though it's a closed room and they're the only ones there. Anything to break the boredom.

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"Strict, disciplined, and austere when she's active. She's one of the most dedicated people I've ever seen dedicate themselves to something, and it shows on the field." said Sebastien, "I've not known her as much, but I am satisfied in being a trusted person for her. At times with her friends, she can play around or joke around and there's a feeling that she's a bit more opened or relaxed than The Peony, even though she still has royal conduct to think about."

"I see, she does strike me that way." said Aran, nodding. "she's a very interesting character indeed, loyal and always up for a challenge. She is such a delight to talk to if you get to know her."

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"More of a pain in the ass at times," said Sebastien, chuckling, "as much as I adore the high knight, she is a bit abrasive and controlling. We understood that she needs to be objective especially with the task at hand, but she's rather impatient and inconsiderate with the other guardians."

"I suppose that years in service did cause her to be vain and judgemental with her platoon," agreed Aran, remembering the things that he noticed in his own service back in the Frost navy. "Nevertheless I see her controlling nature is her being determined and practicality to ensure The Peony remains safe and secure. She's very impressionable, despite being reserved and esoteric compared to the big picture."

*Knock knock*

The door was knocked and brought the two men back from their locker room talk. As Sebastien tried to return his composure, Aran straightened up his posture.


The door swung open, and Rin entered with her usual composure and discipline, she walked slowly but with precision. Wearing her wushu garments under a long pink hijab and an embroidered necklace. Similar to an abbess of a Peonic daoist monastery. Looking at Rin, Sebastien knew that Rin is still inactive, yet there are some responsibilities that she is unable to shake off.

"Honorable prince Aran, I am instructed by The Peony to inform you that lunch has been served, and she asks that you join for lunch." informed Rin as she gave a bow.

"Yes, I shall join her in a couple of minutes." responded Aran.

[Image: Lindswell-Kwok.jpg]
Rin then gave a light sigh before facing the two again. "I also do not appreciate any conversations behind my back, honorable prince, I find it distasteful and absolutely shallow that you did so." Said Rin, trying to keep her composure, she turned to Sebastien. "You as well, mister Lister, I look forward to see you tomorrow."

Rin then gave a bow, before turning and walking away. Lightly slamming the door behind her. She was extremely angry, and as Sebastien gulped on the punishment he'll receive from Rin, Aran felt that he just squandered a golden chance.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The Peony's Manor, Lian, 17th of March, 2019

[Image: 5affa4a0e778021707a1475950bf889b.jpg]
Aran Koigataki finished his notes and turned off his tablet. He was finished categorizing the collection and he's looking forward to making the report. Correction, he's looking forward to having his assistants make the report with him overlooking their every moves. It's something that he needs to have, after the events of today.

The lunch with The Peony had an atmosphere so thick you can cut it with a knife, Rin was being cordial and silent as The Peony carried the conversation with Aran regarding his research. There were times that he managed to ignore Rin's silent wrath, staring daggers at him as she stabbed the dumplings to eat. They're, however, few and far between. Aran lost his appetite that lunch, not only from Rin's absolute yet justified hostility but his guilt of how he got the curiosity the better of him. Nevertheless, he tried to eat the appropriate amount as a guest should, wouldn't want to insult The Peony of Huawan in addition to her sister as well.

Sebastien Lister had less of a problematic time, yet he was annoyed why time was ticking much slower after Rin caught the two. Did the woman have the power to slow downtime? How he wishes that Rin was gracious enough to lend her power when he had exams to write or school reports overdue. He realized that Rin's punishment will be harsh, steadfast and severe. Yet he remained austere in front of Aran, continuing to use his titular name despite the latter urging him not to. It's the best way to ensure that the punishments don't add up when served.

The two remained silent in that room, occasionally having one of the matrons entering with some tea for Aran to have. As the tea finished out, so did Aran's research. It was in the afternoon, and the fall made everything a bit more breezy. He yawned, and looked at Sebastien Lister, realizing that there was an apology due.

"I'm sorry that I managed to get you in trouble, mister Lister. It's certainly not my intention for you to do so, and I understand that there will be a lot for you to endure later on," said Aran, looking at Sebastien Lister as he packed up his things. Sebastien bowed and smiled.

"Pay no heed of it, honourable prince. It was my fault that I was indulgent with our discussion that I broke conduct, it is improper for a Peonic guardian to do so." said Sebastien, "I am also sorry that I responded to your curiosity, knowing that the information I said was a bit too sensitive."

"I'll try to say something to Rin, hopefully, she'll be forgiving to... our situation," said Aran, although he doubts what he just said will ever come true.

"If I may ask, honourable prince." said Sebastien, "why are you inquiring about the high knight?"

"she....piques my interest. Mister Lister," said Aran, truthfully, he answered the question without a pause. The answer, under normal circumstances, by his peers, would be taken as another of Aran's curiosity for knowing the inner workings of something. However, Sebastien Lister was not a "peer", and he took it some other way that most might take.

[Image: Gzi04M2l.png]
"....So honourable prince, you failed to court The Peony of Huawan, so now you're trying to date her sister instead?" Asked Sebastien Lister, being blunt whilst holding a chuckle.

Aran certainly gave a thought to his response, he looked at Sebastien with a glare, and he can't help but wonder whether to scold Sebastien or to laugh with him at the sheer weirdness of the situation. Aran stood up with his belongings and approached Sebastien.

"You're a good man, Mister Lister." Said Aran as he slipped his card into Sebastien's pocket, "let me buy you sake or rice wine at your immediate availability, a sign of goodwill."

Sebastien chuckled and slapped Aran's arm in goodwill.

"Likewise, mister Koigataki." said Sebastien, smiling.

As Aran went out of the room with Sebastien in tow, he saw The Peony trying to read a book near the windowsill overlooking the gardens. Hot chocolate in a mug with whipped cream, burnt marshmallow and cinnamon, with a generous amount of tissue to wipe any excess she might have on her lips. She also had a glass of water, which she took instead to clean her palette.

They both stopped a bit to gaze at The Peony, the beauty of an empress, a woman both men had the grace to become a meaning for her. Sitting down with her two legs on the chair, with orange checkered pyjamas and hair tied. The two found the entire thing serendipitous, two years ago Aran and Sebastien were "rivals" for The Peony's heart, now the both of them are in her close vicinity, but yet farther than they'd both expect. Aran bowed to The Peony, and Sebastien soon followed with a deeper bow.

The Peony did notice the air and saw the two as she took another sip of water. She gave them a very warm smile as she closed her book.

[Image: C2MINAul.jpg]
"Hello Aran! I take it you've finished exploring my father's collection?" asked The Peony with great interest.

"I believe so," said Aran, "although would you be against it if I drop by to review these textiles once more?"

"My manor is open to her humble excellent guests, Aran." responded The Peony, smiling. "Do let me know when you're dropping by once more."

"Please, your generosity in having me as your guest is flattering, my Nuwang," said Aran, trying to be humble.

"Pay no heed." Said The Peony, she then gazed at Sebastien, standing behind Aran. "Ah Mister Lister, I was going to summon you. I'm currently trying to read an article that had some Transsunerian scripts. Would you please help me decipher these words?"

Sebastien then took a step around his newfound friend and knelt before his empress. "I will do my best, my Nuwang."

"Excellent," said The Peony, as she invited Sebastien to sit down next to her. "I will have another person escort you out, Aran....Rin!"

Rin, who came out behind the screen divider, stood up and walked to The Peony. She kept a straight face while she saw the two men. She bowed to her sister, who had equally already changed to her pyjamas as the sun was setting.

"Yes, my Nuwang." asked Rin, summoned.

"I am sorry to trouble you, especially during your break, but would you please escort Aran out?" Said The Peony, "Also, would you please get some muttabaq from the usual place?"

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"The usual flavour, my Nuwang?" Asked Rin, knowing what The Peony meant from her request, it was sweet black sticky rice flavour.

"Yes. Please." said The Peony, smiling, she gazed Aran once more, before giving a nod. "Thank you for your visit. Aran. Goodbye!"

Aran gave a bow, before meeting another bow from Rin. Rin then signalled Aran to move in front of her to lead. Of which Aran followed. Sebastien took a chair next to The Peony, not before sneaking a gaze at The Peony herself before she sat down. The Peony opened her fan as she looked at Aran and Rin, hiding a smile under it. Sebastien paid no heed, apart from silently complimenting The Peony for being such a sly fox.

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The two continued to walk past the courtyard and into the stone bridge. It seems Rin wanted to go through the clinic rather than the usual entrance. Aran noticed that Rin had changed her hijab, and she wore a modest and simple dress instead of her wushu uniform. She too was going to prepare to end the day, as the sun sets ever more quickly than usual. The sounds of the pond critters began to be more soulful, and the lanterns in the bridge were already lit up.

Aran wondered what to say to the woman behind him, something to break the tension and save his skin. Should he try to apologize? Should he try to strike up another conversation? He was wondering what he should do in the situation, and asked what his siblings would do. He realized that it would be a long time until The Peony would allow him to visit again, and even so, it's unlikely that Rin would be available. He promised, however, to try something, and so he did, he stopped, before turning and looking at Rin

"Honorable Princess Kagamine," said Aran, trying to use Rin's honorifics instead of her nickname, "if I may confide in you about what you saw. Please do not punish mister Lister, I was the one who asked him, and it was understandably rude for him to ignore me."

Rin stared a bit at Aran, blankly, before closing her eyes and nodding her head down.

"Mister Lister was in no position to break his conduct and answer you regarding such matters, honorable prince." said Rin, "he will still be punished accordingly as the guardians see fit."

"I suppose there's no other way to convince you otherwise, princess Kagamine?" asked Aran, curious. This led to Rin stopping to gather her thoughts, she gazed back and around. They were alone, most of the matrons were sent home and the other guardians are currently in rotation.

[Image: Lindswell-Kwok.jpg]
".....Let me get this straight. At my embarrassing and sensitive point, you decided that the best way to understand me is through asking an active royal guardian of The Peony, to gossip about The Peony's own sister. Within the walls of The Peonic manor, inside a room filled with our father's prized collection of traditional textiles, cloths and artefacts." Explained Rin, visibly angry, "now you have the audacity, to ask me, the person you gossiped about so liberally, forgiveness for her own subordinate which went out of line at your own volition and hubris?"

Aran stood silent, it's been such a long time since he's got an angry verbal reprimand like such. Rin was shorter, though muscular, smaller. Aran himself was a prince of The Frost Empire, he is, on paper, on par with Rin. One might also argue that Rin, not being related to the Yan bloodline, is lesser of a princess than Aran is. "So why is it" Aran wondered, "that I found her anger very palpable?"

Rin was one that rarely breaks conduct apart from those she fully trusts. Her anger or disapproval was sharp but calm, she rarely resorts to increased volume nor provide physical action. Her words were sharper, and her soft power has never made her stoop lower to prove her point or get a win. In her elegance, power and discipline, much that was taught to her by her mother. Aran could only give a bow, a low bow that the Frosts do to give their sincerest apologies.

"I am sorry to have done that, honourable princess." Said Aran, continuing to bow, he said nothing more.

Rin saw him, she realized he meant it. There was nothing else she could do or say in this situation, despite the feelings inside her. She found it inefficient and unnecessary in saying more, and so, she didn't.

"...I will try to reconsider mister Lister's punishment, honourable prince." Said Rin as she grabbed Aran's shoulder to relieve him from his bow. Before moving away and giving a bow herself. "I will forgo this transgression between us, let us just agree that this day never happened."

"I am sorry, Rin." Responded Aran, braving himself. He realized that if he didn't say anything now, he might not have the opportunity later, "I am afraid I could not forget this day to not happen."

"Are you trying to start something, Aran?" Asked Rin, annoyed.

"No such thing, Rin." Aran said, "I am merely curious, about my tea today when I was studying."

Rin grew silent afterwards, and looked away. "What about, your tea?" asked Rin.

[Image: R.4de6b516ee3fb9dba62478f45d26c902?rik=Y...1&sresct=1]
"It was cold, intentionally cold. Chilled with milk and sugar within." Responded Aran, as he looked at Rin, "I wonder why is that."

Rin threw her gaze away at the pond. Her blush was hidden, but from under the lanterns, one could see it clearly. Aran waited for her answer with anticipation, yet Rin did not say anything. Instead, she guided Aran to continue to the exit. Passing by the changing royal guardians, into The Peony's empty clinic, before exiting themselves to the alley. With lights and lanterns lit, but themselves alone. Rin wore her mask before going outside, where she led Aran out.

As Aran gave a silent bow to Rin, and Rin reciprocating one back. They were to part ways then, for maybe how long until they're going to see each other again.

Yet, something came up to Rin, a tingle in her body, a feeling that she kept within her. Something that mindlessly made the man before him sweet pulled milk tea, something only the two would know to be a language of their close intimacy. She was still angry at his pride and hubris, yet there was something else that made her want to know more about this man before her.

She didn't spend much time dawdling as his figure dissipates from her view. She took some quick steps, and into that empty ancient alleyway. She wrapped her arms around Aran, and rested her head behind his back. Aran was stopped dead in his tracks, feeling a strong yet kind on his torso. The hold he knew all too well today, a hold she gave to him before, and now. She was unwilling to let go.

"Do you feel the same way, Aran?" Rin whispered, her voice and face resting on Aran's pectoral. It was soft but he heard the words too well, he was hoping to hear it later, maybe in a few months or years, but never today, certainly never from her.

".....I do, Rin." Responded Aran, mindful of what he was about to say, "if you'd give me another chance."

",,,,,,Next week, lunch, at the Liuwei Tea House in the Eastern Gardens, do not be late." Said Rin, as she took off her hands from Aran. She didn't want to bite more than she can chew today, and she decided to walk quickly from the scene to get The Peony's dessert. As she walked, she squeezed her two cheeks together trying to realize what she did. Aran continued to stare upon Rin as her image slowly dissipates from his view, when it was fully gone, he began to wonder what he just did.

His bag of documents and notes in his grasp, he looked at the sky when the sun was coming down. He gave a massive sigh, and gave a smirk. He wanted to tell the world, he wanted to tell everyone, he was happy.

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Aran wanted to cheer, but he just found himself silently pumping his hands to the air in the middle of an empty alleyway. On that day when the sun sets, and the fall was starting to brown the leaves with beauty.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Royal Peonic Manor, Lian, 23rd of December, 2020

[Image: Typical-Chinese-dining-table-setting.png]
It was a day before the Christmas holidays, which should stereotypically be winter, but in the southern hemisphere of Pacifica, everything is summer in December. Curse the northerners and their huge populations, they fail to account the fact that not everywhere is winter in December. The sun was shining a bit longer, but not too long, it was afternoon soon.

After the prayer was dinner, which was already prepared. It was modest, compared to the feast that's going to happen tomorrow. It was noodles, sauteed tofu and braised fish, shared between 6 people. The Peony saw the loud clanging of the table, the movements of chopsticks and the very chaos of the dining table.

[Image: vjIOE9Lm.jpg]
Rin had nibbled on some spring dumplings she slathered with sweet and spicy sauce, she continued to chew the crunchy rolls as she said a word or two to her eldest sister, Shizuka. Shizuka was happy as she talked about various things with Rin, while she had to grab some meat slices with her tongs, wiping her forehead from the hot summer breeze. It had been so long since she had sat down to eat dinner with her siblings, it reminded her of a time long gone. Shizuka was emotional with the entire situation, she wanted to cry out of joy, but her son was playing with his food.

Shizuka's husband, Marcus Rowena, was a Hammerstarian, tall, caucasian, strong built with an intimidating gaze. He was struggling with his chopsticks, he wanted to impress his sister-in-laws, especially The Peony, who wouldn't want to make a diplomatic incident from not using chopsticks. He had some luck with lifting the food, but only to have it fall again to his dismay. "His talent lies more in his diplomacy, and not in his chopstick skills." Thought The Peony, trying not to look amused at her brother-in-law struggling using chopsticks.

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Yet there was another person on the table, someone The Peony didn't expect to be here at all. Ati, a 15 year old Sedunnic student in Huawan, just started high school for a homestay. The daughter of the King of Sedunn, Vimmru II. The Peony continues to wonder what kind of serendipitous fate did she stumble upon. She recounted the events as she looked at Ati helping Shizuka clean up a baby boy.

WF Headquarters, Grovne, 2020

It was the end of the leader's debate in the World Forum, well, the end for today. As delegates poured out of the assembly hall for some coffee and pastries. The Peony had to review notes from the debates in her standard-issue tablet, she gazed around at times. Seeing Gianluca talking with the new prime minister of FiHami, Kilaui Krui. While Anserian President Septimum had a bit of a discussion with the Izaakian prime minister Valkyrie Mountbatten.

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The Peony saw a man she needed to talk to, the Sedunnic King himself, Vimmru II. Honestly, The Peony didn't know how to talk to this man, stoic and disciplined, a lot of people might see him to be cold. His administration does wield a strong political influence in the region, that's why they were all in Grovne instead of anywhere else. This was his home base, his home turf, a strong message to the dignitaries in the WF, if she ever sees one.

Yet The Peony did recall nearly 7 years ago before she was Yan instead of "The Peony". When she had to style King Vimmru and his wife, who apparently was a first lady and not the queen of Sedunn,. A mistake The Peony had made. Anyway, she had to style them for a certain gathering or a certain gala. The name Vimmru II was still fresh in the region, and not a lot of people had thought a small country like Sedunn would be holding so much sway in the region.

"Yet with his newfound power, he can never seem to choose the proper tie." The Peony thought, as she inched closer to King Vimmru II and his entourage, she recognized a certain pin in his lapel. A pin she knew all too well, how could she not? She was a member as well.

"Your excellency," said The Peony, bowing. "how are you?"

"Honorable Excellency," said King Vimmru II, nodding, "I am fine, I trust you are as well?"

"Never been better, my lord." said The Peony, trying to maintain cordiality, "excuse me, I can't help but notice the pin on your lapel. Are you by any chance a member of the cartographers guild from the Southern Grovne University?"

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Vimmru was certainly surprised and so did his entourage, on why The Peony of all people would identify a metal pin of an old organization he was acquainted with in his bachelor studies. But he maintained his composure.

"Yes indeed, your excellency," said Vimmru, "this pin is awarded to members of the guild. May I ask how did you know about this?"

The Peony gave a smile, "I must admit that you're not the only alumni from the SGU" The Peony then took her little black notebook, and showed it to the Vimmru.

[Image: AtXZ5Zfl.jpg]
"I may not be a member of the cartographers guild of South Grovne University, it's been a while since I was in something similar, back in high school." Said The Peony, "however, I am a Faculty of Medicine graduate from Southern Grovne University in 2012."

"Fascinating." said Vimmru, looking at the little black book, which had the engraving of the Southern Grovne University Faculty of Medicine "you're from the SGU. I didn't expect The Peony of Huawan is a Sedunnic graduate."

"Well, my program back in medicine was a double-degree program between Lotus University and Southern Grovne University, so I was technically an alumnus. I did also spend some time for in-person classes in SGU." Explained The Peony, smiling.

"It's been a while since I've taken a memory lane on my days in the SGU." Said Vimmru, reminiscing. He gazed at his cartographer's pin before gazing back at The Peony. "Your excellency, would you care for some tea with me and my wife?"

"If your excellency wills it. I'd be honoured." said The Peony, giving another bow. Her guardian whispered to The Peony, and Vimmru's assistant whispered to Vimmru. It was time to head back to the leader's debate.

Royal Peonic Manor, Lian, 23rd of December, 2020
[Image: R.a95a567e83aec2b1ee70406aa874f84e?rik=T...ImgRaw&r=0]
"Ati, how are you liking Huawan?" asked Shizuka, interested, as she was cleaning the dishes.

"It's been going well, your excellency," said Ati, helping Shizuka with the plates. "So far I truly enjoy Huawan, it is so different than back home."

"Please, don't hesitate to call us 阿姨, or aunt." said The Peony, while wrapping the leftovers with cling film, "we are your host family after all."

"I can't help but give my appreciation to you my Nu... I mean, aunt Yan." said Ati, smiling at The Peony, "and I am excited to see my classmates next year. I do have to learn some huayu. It's not that easy."

"It does take some time for beginners, Ati. You need to rack up over 20 months of learning to be fluent," said Shizuka, wiping her forehead with her arm, "nevertheless it's fine if you'd like to converse in Austral, most of the people in Lian can speak Austral and they would be understanding."

[Image: aGGkkHxm.jpg]
"I see, still I'll be staying for a while, might as well study the language," as Ati finished wiping the table off any dirt, she approached The Peony, "Aunt Yan, a couple of my friends are asking me to play football with them, may I be excused?"

The Peony looked at Ati, before looking at Rin. Rin gave a nod as if expecting The Peony to ask for permission first. They had to send one of the royal guardians with Ati of course, more to navigation reasons than security.

"Alright, don't come back too late. Do you have your stuff packed?" asked The Peony.

"Yeah, my shoes and sportswear." said Ati, pointing at her sports bag, "I promise I won't come home too late, aunt Yan."

The Peony then gave her hand, of which Ati took it and pressed it on her temple. She went to Shizuka, Rin and Lord Rowena all the same, asking them for their hands and pressing it on her temple. After typing away on her phone, she took off to the courtyard, where Sebastien Lister was waiting for her. The Peony hoped that Sebastien would be able to make Ati more comfortable, she was Sedunnic while Sebastian was Transunnerian. The two should get along, shouldn't they?

"She's such a well-mannered child," exclaimed Shizuka, smiling at The Peony.

"Much like her father." The Peony remarked, "but she does have her quirks, I look forward to have her in state affairs soon."

Shizuka then rubbed The Peony's head, scruffling it and held her shoulder with Shizuka's wet and shriveled hands from washing the dishes.

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"Look at my little sister!" Said Shizuka, "all grown up, and given the practice to handle a teenage child."

"....Eldest sister, you're embarrassing me." responded The Peony, smiling as she gave a blush. They continued to wrap the leftovers and cleaned the plates. The Peony steeped some tea before serving it to Rin and her guests, the summer nights were gorgeous.

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As they watched the pond and its critters croak, while the reflection of the two moons danced on the water while the waves were made by the fish. The three sisters sat down drinking tea and conversing about the old days, while the man accompanied his son to check out The Peony's model train layout. He does seem interested in seeing the trains snake around the oval, wide-eyed as he was held by his father.

"So.. Rin meimei. Yan meimei told me that you have a boyfriend now." said Shizuka, suddenly.

Rin gazed daggers at The Peony as Doctor Yan chuckled under her tea.

"....Yes, his name is Aran." Said Rin, clenching her teeth to force a smile.

"Oh please spill the tea!" Said Shizuka, excited. "You were never interested in going out with someone Rin meimei, tell us about him!"

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"...Well..He's...an Anthropologist from the Frost Empire." said Rin, blushing, "I think he has been tenured in Lotus University as a lecturer."

"To be honest Rin meimei, I didn't expect you'd be interested in a bookworm like an anthropologist lecturer." said Shizuka. The Peony snorted when she heard her sister said it, "I'd always pictured you with a tough rugged outdoorsman who beats the pulp out of bad guys, maybe one of those men from the Royal State Security Agencies."

"He's coming for dinner tomorrow." Said The Peony, laughing.

"Is he?" said Shizuka, then turning back to Rin, trying to maintain her blush, "well I look forward to see him, you must've chosen him well, Rin meimei."

Rin sipped her tea, before getting an idea on how to pay The Peony back.

"You know Dajie, Aran was actually The Peony's boyfriend." said Rin, this caused The Peony to choke on her tea.

"Ehem! I'm sorry, what?" Asked The Peony, her reaction then invited Shizuka to be wide eyed and squeal.

"Yan! You had a boyfriend?!" Asked Shizuka, "I can't believe it, scandalous!.... and that man decided to date Rin after breaking up with you."

Shizuka was going angry, her eyes went from awe to murderous rage. How dare this man broke my little sister's heart and decide to move on to the other one. Shizuka's rage came to a point The Peony had to stop her.

[Image: AdY4DcBl.jpg]
"It was nothing of a sort! Basically a couple of the imperial council wanted to get me wed off, since I made it very clear for them that I am not looking at the moment. I went on a date with some people, including Aran, but we decided to be friends as well." Explained The Peony, calming down her oldest sister, "I admit, he's my type, yes, but nothing happened between Aran and I. Besides, I'm not one to listen to his anthropology lectures everytime we meet, which would increase exponentially had we dated."

"...I look forward to see him introduced, Rin meimei." Said Shizuka, smiling as she sipped her tea. Even though she was the guest, it didn't mean she wasn't the older sister to the two, and she was sure as hell going to test Aran through coal and fire. Rin continued to blush until she gazed at Marcus and Rin's nephew, with the little boy opening a train set and setting some up on the floor. She decided to change the topic.

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"I always wondered why you never introduced him to mother, eldest sister." said Rin as she sipped his tea, "Marcus is a very good man."

"I was embarrassed at the time, meimei." said Shizuka, recounting a time she didn't want to, "I met Marcus many years ago while I was finishing my masters in law, I was going to introduce him... Until Ryuu-chan."

"Oh..." said Rin, sipping her tea.

"You two both know that mom was not the same after the incident, it all happened so fast. I became the crown princess automatically, and I was not supposed to marry a foreigner." Said Shizuka, as she continued to gaze upon the two.

"Did Marcus never considered a change of citizenship?" Asked The Peony, dry but curious.

"...Not only he is not granted a change of citizenship from Hammerstar from his own royal clan, but the implications that the emperor beside The Peony of Huawan is not of a sino-descent is large." explained Shizuka, "that's why I made the deal with the Hammerstarian government, and relegated by peonic citizenship and my royal status."

"And gave me everything to deal." Said The Peony, as she sipped her tea. The Peony was not impressed at her older sister's answers, and it showed.

"Yan, there has not been a single time I've regretted the decision I made. I still am, as I sat here in front of you. I am so sorry that I forced you to this decision." Said Shizuka, looking down at her teacup.

".... I could just dissolve the Peocracy, you know. There were times that I thought about that, whether our people should just elect the monarchy like Sedunn, or forgo the monarchy entirely." Said The Peony, sighing. "Huawan needed a better leader than the 'background princess' and the last ten years have reinforced that fact."

"Yan..." said Rin.

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"... I felt my heart shatter at the decision I must make, the nation expects me to fulfil my role as the head of state, a deal they expected me to fulfill, and no one else." Said The Peony, looking outside, "After many nights in tears and prayer, I could see no other way out than to break that vow... I would trade my own happiness for the happiness of the Peocracy, I shall become the Peony of Huawan."

The Peony gave another sigh, misty-eyed, she already accepted the fact that she said to the two. She remembered the time when she holed up inside her room for an entire month, trying to contemplate the answer to her problems, whether or not her decision is true. Even now she's still haunted by the decision, yet she became better at wearing her mask against her peers. Her smile is deadly to curiosity, and she used it well.

"Allah forgive me. I said"

The Peony closed her eyes, then moved on to face Shizuka, who was listening intently, "nothing can turn back time now, as a matter of fact, I believe you are very wise, dajie, to choose your own happiness and love instead of the perfection of fate people placed upon you. Believe me that I bear no anger towards the past any longer."

"Mama!" The young boy said, as he rushed to his mother, asking for a hug. Shizuka held him tight, as she continued to listen to her little sister.

"Also... I understood completely why you could not take the throne. The circumstances pertaining him is.. sensitive, had the royal council found out." Said The Peony, as she sipped her tea.

"You mean Marcus?" asked Shizuka, brushing her son's head and pecking his cheek.

"...little Chen." said The Peony, hearing it made Shizuka's eyes wider, and her husband shocked.

"What are you talking about, meimei?" Asked Rin, curious and surprised. She looked at The Peony with anticipation, the calm woman before her finished her tea before setting it to the table. The Peony looked at Rin, before moving her gaze to Shizuka.

"The times, matched. Very conveniently." said The Peony, "of his birth, of his age. I would not be surprised that the reason why you didn't take the throne was because that you were pregnant. Dajie. Am I accurate?"

"...How did you know?" asked Shizuka, looking down in shock.

"It was not hard to put two and two together, dajie." Said The Peony, "the scandal from 5 years ago was already too inflammatory, I could imagine how it'd be if you were to be outed. Marcus's position as head of the Rowena clan meant also that Chen is to inherit the clan as well."

"...He was born out of wedlock, meimei." Admitted Shizuka.

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"Darling." said Marcus, as he held his wife's shoulders.

"It's fine honey, I owe them at least this much." said Shizuka, "mom was sick and so was dad. You were trying to help them the best you could, and I could never bring it to tell you all that I was pregnant. The scandal was too much, and it'll weigh more on all of your minds, and I did not want...I did not want... I didn't want to let him go."

Shizuka held her child tighter, as she cried. The child looked at her mother with those beady eyes, confused as to why her mother was crying.

"I had to leave, meimei. The court would be cruel to my little boy, and even more so that my husband is not an approved man of the state. I am so, so sorry... I am sorry that I had to sacrifice my sister for my own son." said Shizuka.

The Peony stood up, and walked towards her sister, and gave her a hug.

"....I'm just glad to have my older sister back now." said The Peony, hugging her sister tight, "We can be a family again, despite the new circumstances."

The two hugged tightly, it was the time to finally bury the hatchet between the two siblings. Rin just watched the entire thing between the two siblings, she was glad that The Peony is able to finally find some peace from the past. She continues to drink her tea until Shizuka noticed Rin.

"Come here, Rin meimei." said Shizuka, welcoming her milk sister. Rin walked and gave a hug over the two, she was also weeping, but Rin had to maintain a stronger face, for the both of them.

"Thank you for trying to keep it all together, Rin." said Shizuka as she embraced her two sisters and her son clinging his arms around her. "I've missed you two, let's be a family again."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

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Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Cartographer's Cafe, Grovne, 2020

Sedunnic: Green
Mandarin: Red

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It was in the afternoon and the end of the first day of the Leader's debate. The Peonic delegation will leave morning after the last day of the Leader's debate in a commercial HIA flight. However, The Peony could not resist an invitation from King Vimmru himself, especially in the famed Royal Cartographer's Cafe, which is one of the most exclusive clubs for the elite in The South Pacific. It was a homage to those who charted the region and the Pacifican planet.

The Peony and King Vimmru II entered the cafe with her guardians outside, intermingled with King Vimmru's own entourage. She walked beside him as she admired the cafe and the intricacies, of the old charts that were drawn, and countries she never heard of, adorned next to exploration relics from famous explorers. They'd be having tea before heading to the WF diplomatic dinner.

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The two heads of states saw a blonde woman sitting down with such fancy clothing, The Peony remembered her very well, apart from King Vimmru II she was also one of her clients at some point when she had to style her. Vimmru came to his first lady and kissed her cheek as she stood up to welcome him.

"Dear, I wish to introduce you to The Peony of Huawan." said King Vimmru II, to which The Peony gave a bow to the first lady.

"sum rommn, your excellency." greeted The Peony, in clear Sedunnic, which surprised the first lady Aenn Innienn. "it is an honour to meet you."

"Likewise, your excellency." said First Lady Aenn as she shook The Peony's hand, "I have to say you speak very well Sedunnic."

"Oh I did took some classes when I studied, unfortunately, I'm not wholly fluent with the language yet." Said The Peony, smiling.

"Yes, her excellency apparently studied in SGU." said Vimmru to his wife, "in the double degree program for the faculty of medicine."

"Really? How fascinating!" Said Aenn as she directed her hand towards the seats, "come sit down you two, I hope you'd enjoy the pine needle tea in here, your excellency."

King Vimmru II and The Peony sat down, and of course, the conversation distanced quickly from international politics towards their respective times in SGU. It was an interesting conversation between the three, although everyone remained cordial, it was an interesting discussion to memory lane.

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"--Apart from my experience when I'm studying, I also did a couple of homestays when I was a child. I lived in Ullenst when I was 14 for about 3 months for summer."

"Really? how did you like it?" Asked King Vimmru II, interested.

"My host family were very kind to me, and I did spend my time travelling around the country. My host father also taught me some sailing and kite surfing, while my host brothers taught me some fishing. I'm actually planning to meet with them tomorrow before my departure."

"Interesting," said First Lady Aenn as she held her husband's hand, "you know our daughter is interested in doing some homestays for her high school. Honestly, we were a bit worried when she wanted to live abroad."

"Yes, she's a very gifted student and an excellent communicator. I'd say she took a lot from my wife." said King Vimmru II as his wife tapped his hand in annoyance, "She's much of an avid hiker, but she also plays for the youths football league."

"Something her father barely does, apart from cracking some jokes on tv." jabbed First Lady Aenn, as she sipped her tea, "I don't know if it's well for her to do some homestay, there would be much to prepare for her, and... you must understand that the daughter of the king of Sedunn...is"

The Peony nodded, "say no more, your excellency. I completely understood your worries. That's why my mother and father had my milk sister accompany me, and my parents contacted me frequently. I recall that my parents paid for my host family's phone bill because they called me too much."

"May I ask how old were you, your excellency?" asked Lady Aenn, curious to continue listening.

[Image: SFtPBHc.jpg]
"I was 14 at the time, and I did spend other places for homestay as well. I spent a month in Techganet for volunteering work, two months in Besern, two months in Stoinia, and an entire semester in Izaakia. I have to say it was an interesting year of my life, I was a full-on nomad," said The Peony, smiling as she sipped her tea. "One could say that I quite a large experience with a homestay."

King Vimmru II was pondering as he listened intently to The Peony's story when she did her homestay. An idea dawned upon him suddenly, and he was interested in bringing it up as a joke.

"I suppose with your expertise, your excellency." said Vimmru, smiling, "that maybe you'd be open to hosting our daughter for a homestay."

"Oh stop it, darling," responded Aenn as she jabbed her husband one more time. "forgive me, your excellency, he's merely joking."

The Peony almost choked on her tea when she heard Vimmru's proposal, but she did calculate it for a short amount of time in her mind while the two had a small lover's spat.

"If you trust me, your excellencies, I would be happy to take Ati under my roof for her homestay. If she's interested living in Huawan." said The Peony, smiling. "We have many mountains she could climb, she could also do some skiing. Also, I can introduce her to our women's team."

"Oh please don't mind him your excellency, my husband merely said it in jest." said Aenn, glaring at her husband.

"I am serious, your excellency." Said The Peony, "Huawan is an excellent place for your daughter's homestay. Rest assured she'll be safe under my roof, and you don't need to pay for my phone bill to call her constantly. I give you my word not only as the ally of Sedunn or a friend of its king, but also between two alma maters of the esteemed SGU."

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"...I'll ask her if she's interested, your excellency," said Vimmru II to Doctor Yan, before looking at his wife. "I'd certainly have to have a discussion with her and her mother first. Nevertheless, we appreciate your offer."

As tea time continued with some snacks before the time was close to the diplomatic dinner, in which the three departed to the Grand Palace of Sedunn. The entire leader's debate went on smoothly, with The Peony taking her role as the Peonic Head of state with seriousness.

Peonic Embassy, Grovne, 2020

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After the leader's debate and the publicity photos with the other members of government. The Peony snuck out to have dinner with her host brothers back when she had her homestay. The Peony had missed her two host brothers, and they both chatted much about the life after. She remarked that the last time she saw her host brothers was when she had her double degree in the SGU, while her host brothers said that they wish to visit Huawan soon. The Peony laughed and she promised to visit the host family in a short time. The Peony had departed from the restaurant, hugging her host brothers before being driven back to the embassy, where she decided to rest after hearing the late briefings.

As it was midnight, and The Peony had wanted to go to bed before her departure the next morning. She didn't expect that a night before her departure, however, that a guardian knocked on her door and said a call from the grand palace was going on. She accepted, it, thinking it's from King Vimmru himself. Was there something he'd like to say after the leader's debate? She decided against taking off her dress, sat down and turned on the loudspeaker for the phone.


"...Your excellency, I'm sorry to bother you so late at night."

"... Lady Aenn." recognized The Peony of Huawan, "how can I help you?"

"Were you serious when you said you could be Ati's host family, your excellency?"

"...Is something the matter your excellency?"

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"Ati... was ecstatic when Vimmru offered her the opportunity for a homestay in Huawan. Saying that she was really interested in living there, and she'd like to explore the natural paths," the First Lady gave a pause and exhaled before she sternly continued. "Allow me to say that I do not trust any other family with my daughter, the only reason why I might consider you is that... I've known you since before you became The Peony of Huawan. When you were our stylist on occasions, we didn't know you above that, but we are at least acquainted to a degree."

The Peony then sat her back straight, nodding. "Yes, I was, your excellency."

"My husband is the king of Sedunn, and although we do not have royal ancestry, he is a head of state through and through. Could we.. no, could I trust you, doctor Yan." Continued Aenn, being blunt. "Could I trust you with my daughter?"

"Your excellency, I will do my best to ensure that Ati's safety is ensured in Huawan, and that she'll be cared for. I won't let her miss her homework, I will ensure she comes back home on time, and I'll see to it that she enjoys herself." Responded The Peony, "I give you my word."

"My husband and his cabinet may have access to the royal arsenal, but I myself, as her mother, would do you a lot worse if something befalls to my daughter. Do I make myself clear?" asked Aenn, with conviction that could be felt through the phone lines and The Peony's ears.

"Yes. I promise." Said The Peony, tired yet listening to everything Aenn said.

"...Have a good night, your excellency." said Aenn, as she turned off the phone.

The Peony slouched to her chair, with her little book on her hand. Rubbing the temple of her head, as to try to process the entire thing. A joke made by the King of Sedunn was now going to be a reality. His promise with Vimmru was between an alamater to another, but Aenn's call was different. The Peony had felt the motherly caution and worry against her.

"سبحان الله..." The Peony said, in her mind.

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The Peony knew that if Aenn were to break conduct just to tell her this, then both Vimmru and Aenn must've loved their daughter very much, so the words were sharp but understandable in the circumstances. The Peony continued to relax on the chair, as she went off to sleep on it.

Royal Peonic Manor, Lian, 24th of December, 2020

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"Ati!" The Peony called, it was in the afternoon.

"Coming!" A voice was heard, Ati opened the canvas door to see The Peony in the hallway.

"Get ready, the dinner will start today." said The Peony to the young girl, "have you called your parents yet?"

"Yes, I have, aunt Yan!" responded Ati, smiling. "I told them that I'll be spending the new years here."

"Always remember to call your parents Ati" reminded The Peony, glad. "don't forget that dinner will start in one and a half hours."

"Aunt Yan, can I ask you a question?" asked Ati, smiling.

"Yes?" Asked The Peony, "is something wrong?"

"Umm, mom told me that you were mom and dad's stylist a long time ago when dad was in his early times." said Ati, "I'm not very good, so I was wondering if you could help me for tonight?"

[Image: vjXYOasl.jpg]
The Peony looked at Ati, the young woman currently living under The Peony's roof. A girl that's as high as The Peony's shoulders, smiling sweetly. She has her mother's eyes and her father's nose. An aura of friendliness like her father, yet a physique like her mother.

Although Ati wondered why she's staying in The Peony's manor instead of The Peony's own palace, in which The Peony said that living in the manor is much more manageable and that living in the palace is just open for bullying. But Ati is living comfortably in the manor, moving in a month after the WF leader's debate. Although Rin had some qualms about having to split some of the royal guardian's for Ati's protection, incognito.

"Come with me," invited The Peony, as she walked with Ati to the Peony's bedroom. "Nearly eight years ago I started to style your mother and father, and sometimes she asked for my services until I became The Peony of Huawan. Now I have the liberty to dress up their daughter."

The Peony opened the sliding door to her room and invited Ati to the Peony's walk-in closet. A room modeled to ease the process, a very different room than what's normally accustomed in The Peonic manor. The room housed a monumental collection of The Peony from fashion shows and modelling, some runway dresses made by world-famed and local designers alike. Including some ceremonial garbs and traditional dresses that The Peony often wears. Ati looked at The Peony's closet with awe, of the beautiful and expensive dresses The Peony has in her arsenal. The Peony asked Ati to sit down on the chair, while she opened the closets for some dresses

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"I have a couple of dresses that might fit you, we can definitely start with those." said The Peony, she then walked back to her bedroom to grab her tablet. "Would you like me to play some music? I know your father liked to play some rock when my team and I were styling him years ago."

"Do you know Ilta? This singer from Sedunn?" asked Ati, feeling happy for her makeover. Of which The Peony gave Ati the tablet.

"Be my guest."

The music began as Ati searched for the MV, and with it, so did Ati's styling begun.


Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

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Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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  • Qwert

Royal Peonic Manor, Lian, 24th of December 2020

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The eve of summer for the eve of Christmas. Or as The Peony likes to put it, "a holiday celebration in no way related, but just coincidentally be happening, at the same time and space, as Christmas". It's not her fault that most of her guests are available on that date. Well, the food was prepared by Shizuka, who had an affinity for cooking meat products. Dishes were served including boiled fish with broad bean chilli sauce, braised tofu slices, roasted duck and dumplings. Rin had helped, until she had to order the royal guardians for the holiday patrol and to relhax themselves, weirdly then, asking Sebastien Lister to help The Peony's oldest sister in cooking food. Lister could cook for himself, but the thing about cooking for oneself is that they aren't necessarily to impress. Lister began to wonder who's worse to be a taskmaster, his boss, Rin, or her older sister, Shizuka.

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Lister watched from afar as Lord Marcus Rowena was playing with little Chen, as the lord's son watched the trains move about The Peony's model train layout. The child was ecstatic to see snakes of miniaturized monoliths of engineering crawling around pieces of track, and Lord Rowena was tending to his son quite well.

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Lister wondered when he has ever felt this type of familial relationship, it's been such a while since he's been in such a warm place with so much holiday cheer. Trassuneria was unbearable with the heat in Christmas, and his old apartment was concrete surrounded with air conditioning, which can only be described as a glorified fan with ice cubes hanging in front of it. So he was not discouraged as the cold summer air of Huawan was felt around the manor, conditioned by AC, as he was instructed to peel potatoes and pound spices in the kitchen.

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Rin arrived back in the central room wearing her long pink and purple hijab under a white yukata. Heading to the kitchen quickly to help her older sister with the cooking, only to hear a buzz in the intercom. She answered before peeling a single piece of garlic, the guardians had told that two visitors are in front of the main door. Rin pulled out her standard-issue phone, and it was then after seeing the images and credentials that she went to greet the visitors in haste. Well, the female visitor was technically a far cousin of The Peony, and an empress of one of the most prominent empires in The South Pacific.

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After a couple of minutes, the two went in after escorted by Rin. Empress Astrid and her partner, Hugo Heinriksen came into the manor. They were invited by The Peony, and Empress Astrid was one of The Peony's close friends. The tower of a woman with an absolute unit of a man came inside the manor through the main door. "Merry Christmas!" the two shouted, with the empress herself wearing a santa hat while her partner Hugo came in bearing gifts. Shizuka smiled as she cleaned her hands and hugged Empress Astrid, Astrid was technically a princess of Huawan due to Peonic history with Izaakia in the Island region of Hai Men, and Shizuka was acquainted with the woman nearly 10 years her junior. Lord Marcus Rowena had also stood up to shake hands with Astrid and Hugo. Astrid had wondered where The Peony was, until Rin said that The Peony was preparing Ati for the party.

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Rin then heard another buzz in the intercom as she served tea to Astrid and Hugo. She went outside to greet the next guest, knowing who the man outside was. The manor bustled with voice and cheer, as Hugo and Marcus talked much about the former's adventures across the tundra of Keyli. As Astrid towered over Shizuka was attracted by the smell, only to close her mouth from sneezing at the pepper. Lister gave a snort when she heard Astrid sneeze, and Shizuka smacked the back of Lister's head.

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The next man to come in was Aran Koigataki, with a sharp suit and a black pair of spectacles as well as a bottle of zero-alcoholic chardonnay in a paper bag. He had tidied his hair as neat he could, until Rin scruffled his hair, undoing every single neatness he tried to make the hours prior to impressing Rin and her family. Rin walked with Aran in tow, she wanted to hold his hand, but realized it wasn't the time. He entered through the clinic. so the two made their way to the manor through the courtyard. Aran introduced himself, and Lister, throbbing in pain in the back of his head, snickered as he saw his buddy be so stiff and nervous. Shizuka welcomed the man, and shook Aran's hand, with smile and a squeeze.

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Aran then sat down after shaking hands with Marcus, Hugo and Astrid, sitting down in the living room drinking tea. Aran was a bit unnerved since the Izaakian empress was in front of her, and the Frost Empire did have below-warm relations with the Izaakian state. Yet he knew that he himself didn't have much bearing to Frost foreign relations, and Empress Astrid herself has plans to relinquish her throne in parliament, so he could relax but maintain cordiality as he drank his tea.

[Image: LGyFtKWl.jpg]
It just then so happens that The Peony, with sweat on her forehead, entered the room. She wore a simple long-sleeved black qipao with golden embroidery, wearing a red silk cloth around her head and neck like a hijab. She bowed to greet her guests with enthusiasm, before announcing her latest masterpiece. It has been a while, yet The Peony hasn't lost her touch just yet. The 15-year-old girl in Ati Innienn, came into the main room of the manor where all the guests are, in a beautiful sleeveless blue chinese dress with red embroidery and floral patterns. It was a beautiful traditional dress that Ati wore, and The Peony was especially proud of it.

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Shizuka and Rin immediately walked over Ati to admire her dress and complimented The Peony at her efforts. The Peony was being modest, while she held Ati's shoulders. Ati helped Rin set up the table as The Peony entertained her guests on the living room table, listening to her guests as Hugo painted a gnarly scene at his latest adventure while in contrast, Aran told the others about his research. When it was time, The Peony stood up, and invited the others to the table. They all sat down on the round dining table with a spinning glass table for the food. Shizuka and Sebastien had already placed the meals, until Shizuka placed the duck, sliced to bits ready for consumption. They all sat down, ready to consume the dinner before them. It smelt so heavenly, duck, rice, tofu, vegetables and dumplings. It was a holiday dinner, and a well one at that.

Royal Peonic Manor, Lian, 24th of December 2020

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I sat down and led the prayer. Astrid meimei asked to make a toast for me hosting this dinner party, of which I am glad to be hosting such a closed-door event. We all sat around the food, and in similar Asian fashion, there was a sense of community which I absolutely adore at dinners like these. We each took turns to take the food using tongs, ladles and chopsticks. Once it's on your plate, however, it's on your plate. Mother however told me to gaze at others and recognize their attendance as we eat. So I did, after eating some ginger. There were quite a lot of people on the table, I'd have to admit.

Rin sat next to me as she happily ate the tofu while looking at Aran next to her, she was explaining to him a little bit about the dishes served. Most of the food here was from the northern region, its spices were necessary to ensure the warmth of the body coupled with the heat from the dishes. Aran was interested in listening to the different ways one needs to use the chopsticks in the north, and the courtesies at using such long chopsticks.

Rin sighed and held Aran's hand to help him configure how to get the braised lotus "No, it's like this you see... I always love the dishes from the north, they give much flavor and warmth, it's so fulfilling." I see Aran was blushing a bit, Rin jiejie was feely with her hands but I can see his unnerve lies in Dajie Shizuka staring daggers at his across the table. She was going to grill the two, and I only wish that there was popcorn.

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I looked across me and saw Empress Astrid admiring the spices of the food in front of her. She was trying to be cordial and she does enjoy the meal, but I know someone that couldn't handle their spice. Her partner, on the other hand, is completely capable, and I may say rather normally. Although the food was amazing, I do believe he's the type that prefers to eat in the outer hawkers instead. "Hugo, you have to try the duck. It tastes absolutely awesome with the sauce." Astrid said, as she fed her partner the duck breast blanketed with the pastry and the vegetables. Hugo was certainly welcoming of her partner's chopsticks with the duck, who wouldn't want an empress feed him. Perhaps it would make Hugo more at ease at the fact I didn't notice him pouring whisky into his tea.

I looked at my brother-in-law and my nephew. Of course Shizuka needed to help her son with eating and did not have any time teaching Marcus how to use chopsticks. Marcus had however stabbed the tofu and ate it, while using the soup spoon to eat the rice. He has a sense of ingenuity to him. "This meal is absolutely excellent." said Marcus, complimenting his wife as the main cook, smiling at her. The three were such a perfect puzzle match, and I'm glad they came for dinner.

Perhaps weirdly in the table is my own courtier, well, new courtier really. Sebastien Lister sat down on the table after Ati pleaded with me that he be allowed in the table with us. I'm glad that Sebastien made Ati very comfortable, he spoke fluent Sedunnic of course. Rin was of course eyeing Sebastien to ensure he doesn't cross any lines, but I can vouch that he was well aware of Peonic culture already, and simply introducing Ati from the eyes of a person that has close cultural relationship with Sedunn. Yet he was still crude, unlike Ati, who was already trained with formal conduct. Ati could also use a chopstick, and was very... Peonic indeed.

"Which one is your favorite?" I asked Ati, Ati was sitting next to me of course.

"I absolutely love the fish, aunt Yan. It has such a hearty flavor." she said, smiling at me before facing Shizuka. "Thank you for cooking, aunt Shizuka."

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Shizuka gave a warm smile, "I'm happy that you enjoyed it Ati. It's actually very simple if you use the instant spices and have some frozen fish instead. But I like grinding up the spices first to create a stronger broth."

"The duck is also excellent." Empress Astrid said, happily complimenting the duck, "why did the duck be cut to multiple parts for consumption?"

"Ah.. Well when we prepare the dish, we mostly divide just the skin, sometimes meat is served separately and the bones are made into soup." Explained Shizuka, "I've used the bones for broth, and it could later be grounded up as well for a stronger broth. It does take time to ground up bones though, doctor Yan is more interested in it."

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"It's good for water regulation and tonifying Qi for traditional medicine." I responded, "Of course it can also be excellent for calcium replenishment as well, I'll ask my nurses to process them properly."

"I didn't know TCM is still applied, I thought it was written off as quackery." said Hugo, as I saw him drink his spiked tea.

"Well traditional medicine is only quackery if not backed, or disproven by scientific research." I tried to explain, "we try to reduce the usage of exotic and rarer materials, especially those that aren't scientifically justified, nor ethical."

"Such as sharkfin soup in Hai Men." Aran said, trying to get into the conversation. "The cartilage was a huge popularity in the region of Hai Men, even deep rooted to its culture, but it was proven to be ecologically damaging and unbeneficial for health."

"Which drove the Izaakian government at the time to ban it," said Empress Astrid proudly, "a rule that was adopted by the Peonic government next door."

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I responded, "It encompassed such a small niche in the fishing market, which very much justified the ease of outlawing it. There are much better luxury foods, such as the duck we serve today. So we do invest much effort to reduce the sharkfin business."

I saw Shizuka drank her tea, before she moved to change her attention to Aran. "So Aran, you are an anthropologist?"

[Image: sp4nglfl.jpg]
Here it comes.

"Yes, before and after I served in the imperial Frost navy, I am an anthropologist for Oured University before serving my tenure in Lotus University." Aran said, proudly to Shizuka.

Shizuka nodded a bit, before asking another question "I see, so you did some service. Commander, I presume?"

"Of the FS Free Spirit, your excellency." Aran responded, of which I saw Rin continued to give the riposte. "He's a very talented member of the navy, although I'd like to think his contributions in Peo-Frostian cultural relations is second to none." said Rin, proudly. "Recently he just finished his book on cloth pattern history between Huawan and Frost."

"His students also love his lectures, as I see it," said Sebastien, maybe trying to elevate his friend, or maybe curry favor with Rin by defending him. I see Shizuka was interested, it's like there was a little war going on in my dining table, and I'm all up for it.

"I hear you're dating Rin," said Shizuka, looking at the two, "why do you want to date my sister?" A question that was hard hitting, and I looked at Ati, all interested in the questions. I think Vimmru and Aenn might be people who'd grill Ati's future partner, so I'd guess she want's to know on the things to do in the situation, or what not to do. I looked at Aran and Rin, Aran shouldn't take too long to answer the question.

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"Rin is an absolutely fantastic person, your excellency," said Aran, I think he knows that he needed to impress Shizuka. "She is stong, intelligent and amazing. I asked whether I was allowed to be an important person in her life, and we agreed that both of us were."

"You understood Rin's posting and responsibilities, do you not?" Asked Shizuka, strong. It was a valid question, and there were implications of Rin's position. Rin definitely tried to answer Shizuka's question.

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"Dajie Shizuka, my responsibility as the peonic royal guardian shall not be compromised. Although I would need to be held under scrutiny later on. Rest assured however, that the protection of The Peony, and The Peocracy shall not downgrade in any circumstance." said Rin, strictly to Shizuka. Rin was not the type that welcomes questions towards her capability as a guardian, let alone a question that assumes that her relationships pose problems to her responsibilities. I looked at Dajie Shizuka, and I try to signal her to stop, for now.

"I am absolutely glad that you and Aran are happy, Rin jiejie." I said, I needed to stop this questioning. "Aran is such a good man. Anyway, Astrid meimei, could you tell me more about your trips later on?"

[Image: xmIhMMyl.jpg]
I think Astrid knew what I meant, as chaotic loving she is, she knows that it was time to change the topic. "I plan to explore the world, maybe outside The South Pacific. If the Izaakian parliament decided to end the monarchy of course. I'm considering to stay in Hai Men, it was the roots of Izaakian culture and the Iceborns."

"I'm actually making a documentary later on, on the topic. The roots of the nation." Hugo interrupted, proudly. "It's fun to make a nature and adventure documentary at times, maybe something in the Xiongwei mountains later on?"

"That'd be amazing, there could be an entire volume on the mountains themselves," I responded, keep calm, I need to continue this discussion. I looked at Ati, before continuing.
"Ati here is incredibly interested in the mountains too, I heard from first lady Aenn that she'd like to join the Sedunnic mountain rangers."

[Image: mackenziefoy.jpg?w=470]
"Uhh yeah! I'm considering taking the test to join the mountain rangers for my service later on." Ati responded, smiling, "so it'd be nice to have a bit of mountaineering experience here. "

"We should take a hike sometime, the summer is excellent for a hike and the land is not wet." I exclaimed, "maybe sometime next year, before your departure back at home. Would you be welcome to accompany us, mister Lister?"

Lister of course stopped eating the spring rolls to answer me, he thought he could blend into the entire conversation and none the wiser to strike up a conversation with him.

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"Of course, my Nuwang." said Sebastien, trying to maintain his composure. "I shall be honoured to accompany Ati and yourself to the mountains."

"Excellent, it sounds like a fantastic plan." I said. "It'll be nice to stretch your legs once in a while in the mountains. Summer is the best time to go around the mountains, and I hope it'll be proper."

It was an excellent time for the discussion, and we continued to eat further. It was incredibly festive.

Royal Peonic Manor, Lian, 24th of December 2020

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I stood outside to look at the moonlight, although the crowd was comfortable, I needed a breath of fresh air. The others have finished eating, and Chen had welcomed the gifts Astrid and Hugo got for the people here. Ati joined the crowd with Rin and Aran, and it was such a nice sight, seeing them so jolly around the couches and the television.

What wonderful moonlight, hearing the critters sound. It was a nice time, such a tremendous summer. It was nice... It was a nice end for such an insane time right now. There are more things that trouble on my mind, and I'm glad that I got this at least.

I sipped a cup from my tea when I sat down on that bench, I had Rin pour me another cup for me to take outside. It felt incredible. I saw Sebastien outside as well, standing a bit far from me. Either Rin told him to accompany me, or he got out of his own volition. He is a guest after all.

"Attend me." I said, calling him to my side. He was being sneaky, but he hid his cigarette near the stone bricks before coming to me. He walked and knelt towards me.

"Yes, my Nuwang." He greeted me, I looked at him, and could smell the tobacco from him.

"You were smoking, were you, Mr. Lister?"

"..Forgive me, my Nuwang..." he admitted to me, there were some things that was difficult to quit. I suppose I had an experience with it myself, it tasted like shit, but it was something that... saved me? How interesting, something that kills me, saves me.

"I saw nothing." I said before continuing, "if I may ask, Mr. Lister, you said about Aran's class... By any chance did you shadow him?"

"I was actually an attendant in one of his classes, my Nuwang. I was curious about university life." He admitted it with a blush, but he kept it cordial.

I was interested to ask, "Are you perhaps interested to go to university, mister Lister?"

"...The thought did come to my mind, my Nuwang... But I don't know where to go next. I barely finished high school myself. I'd have to go through the little documents I had if any."

I asked him a question, "Would you be alright if I assisted you, Mr. Lister? I could certainly ask a favor or two to get your documents, or an opportunity to take the package and that, a high school degree, which would help you get to university."

"Please my Nuwang, you've given me food, shelter and occupation. I do not wish to extend my list of things that I owe you." He told me, putting his head lower, I try to push him a smile, he truly is my courtier.

[Image: SO6XFd9.jpg]
"If I could make your life, or... a life of my statesmen better, then I shall." I reassured him, I looked at this man who knelt before me, "yet I shall not force anything that you are not comfortable with, Mr. Lister, you are a citizen of the Peocracy."

"I am honoured to receive your assistance, my Nuwang." He told me. I am glad that he decided to take it.

I looked back at the moon and took another sip of tea. "...That'll be all for now, Mr. Lister. Do remember that you please be mindful that you smoke elsewhere."

"I beg my leave, my Nuwang." Sebastien said, scurrying off as he walked to somewhere more hidden. I presume for another smoke. It was the least I could do to help the man, after everything that I looped him into. It was nice.

.....I couldn't force myself to smile further, it was difficult when I continued to remember the paper in my pocket. I took the letter I had with me, a letter that I got half a year ago. A message, using a paper letter. I don't know why, maybe for security to not have a digital trail. The letter continued to haunt me, which compelled me to put it in my pocket and bring it with me. I opened it, to read it again. Just to make sure whether I read it correctly.

[Image: aAmccWKl.png]

My Peony

Happy winter to you my friend.

The snow is starting to fall here as well, it's cold as I write this to you from the frontlines. It was a battle we had to win, and it is unfortunate that we did not manage to accomplish our mission.

We severely miscalculated the enemy's capabilities and arsenal, we did the best we could, but regardless, the damage was done, and I'm sure you'll know they were massive indeed. We try to help with the displaced as best we can, but it is known that history claims this as a dark day indeed.

I wish to tell you otherwise, my friend. Oh, how I hope I could, Yet I must tragically inform you that there is more on the horizon, my friend. Our enemies have something up their sleeve once more, and we have to re-stack our decks once more. We were surprised to see that everything was linked to the virus and the crash of HIA 402, and the untimely death of your older brother. I wish to tell you more, but only time will be able to provide us with all the answers.

We aim to neutralize the threats to our regions by any means necessary, and I hope lady Caitlin will be able to secure us enough support for the days that's about to come.

We shall be fine, my friend. But I ask you, to please be strong, for all of our sakes, on the roads that will come to light. On the rivers of fate where every wave crash to one another, you must be strong enough to paddle us to the path of righteousness.

May your sails are winded, and may your flowers bloom, and may the spirits be with you,


Doctor Kane

??, ??, 24th of December 2020

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"We must go, doctor Kane."

"...Yes we shall, Ms. Toudou, call the others."
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??, ??, 24th of December 2020

[Image: nuclear_winter-845x321.jpg?x76795]
The explosion came soon.

Sooner than expected.

Expected? That was the attitude, we knew there was the possibility for them to detonate their nukes. I signed them off when they unloaded it in the harbour, I thought they would be aimed toward the peacekeepers and the royalists, bringing The South Pacific to the first nuclear winter. We never expected this to be their last stand, that they'd kill their own people instead of being tried.

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My cleaners have been at work keeping the peace of whatever's left. The royalists have also not been kind to us, the RIM technically never surrendered, and the society that tried to live its life with blissful ignorance against who's running the show was targeted by the dozen. I don't imagine the Frost Empire would be looking forward to stabilising these nuclear wastelands until they can have order, and order be it be, with bullets, blood and propaganda.

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As for people like myself, our whole operation was destroyed. After years of work to ensure the city is maintained and fed, its underground is in order. All that was destroyed in a day, a blinding light that didn't escape my mind as The Broker told me to come down to the bunkers.

The Broker, they call him. My superior, he's missing, kidnapped. While trying to do one of his community services, he was ambushed by unmarked vans from our enemies. The connections and influence of our family are not as strong as before, but I am able to discern my target with help from a... surprise visitor. Intel told us that the convoy will be here to transport the Broker, we need to clear the garrison.

"There's too much radiation, we'll have to go around." He told me, I heard my Geiger counter. We have to plan our paths another way. Our boots stomped on the dust and ruins of the city as we walked through it. The jiggle of our ammunition and grenades accompanied our path, with my kevlar weighing from my shoulder. We walked carefully for a couple of kilometres, passing by crowds and patrols from royalist forces and peacekeepers.

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"Don't move." He told me, we were at a couple of apartment complexes on the outskirts of the city. Ourselves hidden behind the ruins. He looked by the side with his binoculars.

"Two tangoes by the lorry, and a sniper." He motions me to get into position, "Fire escape, 4th floor, on my go."

I moved quickly to give some space, I can get a clear shot now. "Standing by," I answered.

".....Weapons free." I pulled the trigger, the man is no more.

"Two tangoes by the lorry, we have to take them out at the same time. Wait until I get into position." He told me, before spacing away. I watched my perimeter and the patrol's movements.

"I'm in position, we have to take them out at the same time. On my go."



Two bodies fell down, our clock is ticking. We moved quickly to new positions. We calibrated the radio to hostile channels and continued our pace.

"Clear, go." He ordered. I followed suit. We both know where to go. We moved through the ruins and the frozen soil into the apartment complex.

"Don't let your guard down, we're not there yet." He told me.

We entered through the side entrance of the short complex and treaded snail's pace by the doors. Listening closely if there are other hostile combatants. Room by room we cleared out the combatants with flashbangs and suppressed weapons, securing every floor before moving on to the next. We don't think there are many citizens living here, and both of us viewed that anyone is expendable. It took some time until the building is cleared.

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"This is team alpha," he radioed to my cleaners, "we cleared floor 3 of building A."
"Bravo team cleared floor 2 of building B, moving up."
"Charlie cleared floor 3 of building C."
"Secure the floors and the buildings, get into position." I radioed
"Copy that team alpha." One of my cleaners responded, "bravo out."
"Charlie out."

I sighed, I waited for the other cleaners to come. It's very difficult to move through this city from the royalist forces. We're going to wait for the exchange here. My partner took off his gas mask and pulled out a cigarillo. He smoked it, and seemed to enjoy the release.

"These things never get old," he remarked. "Isn't it right, Ms Toudou?"

"It has been a while since I've been on my toes like this, doctor Kane." I remarked, "mind giving me a puff?"

He offered me his lit cigarillo, I took it and gave it a smoke. I think I took too much, I ended up coughing the nasty thing while my tongue is sweetened from the paper.

"You don't smoke that much do you?"

"Not as much as you," I said, myself still coughing while taking another puff. He gave a laugh.

"Oh I'm not a chain smoker, I simply smoke once in a while." said doctor Kane as he checked the magazine of his sidearm, before taking the cigarillo from me. I looked outside the window, a square surrounding short apartment complexes about 3 stories high. In the middle, a playground and a jogging track, or what's left of it. A road sliced through the community square between the towering apartments leading to some shops. Intel told us that the convoy will pass through here soon, where the Broker will be traded like cards.

"This is where I used to live," I muttered, he listened. "Over there, that was the community square, I played with the other kids in the neighbourhood."

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"It didn't matter how much sun we had until evening, nor how much homework we had to do before tomorrow, it didn't bother us at all." I mentioned, "look, can you still see the outlines of the square?"

Doctor Kane just looked at me in silence as I continued.

"Had I defied my orders, had I alerted the peacekeepers. Had I not signed off that transport from those ships." I wondered why I mentioned those words to him. I suppose he understood the field as much as I do.

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"We are taskmen, operators if you will." He responded as he put out his cigarillo, "the war never ends for people like us. No matter the discouraging factors, there's always a task to complete. Its completion is all that matters, regardless of the things that entail."

"And this is one of them." I continued, by instinct. "Let's plan the patrols. Control will inform us of developments."

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