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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Great War

As the entire thing goes on, men and women disguised by the crowd photographed the entire situation the world is facing.. They were at shock that suddenly the entire world has gone to war, and there shall be a larger fire. After compiling the needed evidence, these people gathered and made their way to a castle, where a king sat on his throne drinking his tea with his family. It was his thirtieth year reigning the kingdom since he was twenty years old. A strong man with concrete integrity and beliefs, however, he has a difficulty in talking clearly in front of a large crowd.

Next to him is his elder son, a studious man in his thirties with an appetite for history and enlightenment. His tea was left cold, he was too preoccupied with his papers.

On the table is the King's younger son, he refused the offer of tea, and would rather figuring out the many probabilities of chess.

It was a calm afternoon, the only ambiance are the sound of clockwork and the chirping birds. However, a sudden intrusion came. A man in a military uniform came barging in to the hall. It startled the the father and the elder son, but not the younger. He was too tranced in his chess game. The high military officer knelt down towards the king.

"Milord." said the officer.
"Arise, my friend. How fares you?" addressed the King.
"I am fine, thank you sire." responded the officer.
The subject stood up.
"What purpose do you have barging in this fine calm evening?" asked the King.
"Sire, our spies have reported that a war is brewing in the continent." reported the officer.

The officer handed a thick brown folder to the King. The king scanned the documents and handed it to the elder son, who took a read of the brown folder.

"I see, please tell my paladins for an emergency meeting…. In Cafe Tiala." ordered the King.
"You are dismissed." said the King.
"I beg pardon my liege." pardoned the officer.

The officer left the room, and the elder brother had finished reading the file.

"Stephen, Stephen! Pay attention!" shouted Ferdinand.

Ferdinand tapped his younger brother's head, and gave him the brown file. Stephen then read the file.

"What do you suggest?" asked King Colin.

"No one must know of our existence, and this war is not the reason why we should get out of isolation." said Ferdinand. "These people are ludicrous, unstable, and simply deranged to go to war."

"These people are not playing their cards right, I don't think they understand the magnitude of their military power…" said Stephen. "People have died under the barrel of the gun, and they cherish the gun more than the lives of others…. This is not like chess, in which some individuals are more valuable than others…"

As his sons discussed about the best decision, the King stood and looked out to the royal garden, he pondered on the decision he has to make, this was not something that he was taught to do. He was an economical leader after all..

A year ago he has to accept the fact that his mother joined the King's father in the afterlife. King Colin's mother was a patriot that unified the nation under one banner, a fighter that everyone loved. He remembered her stories of the hellhole this kingdom used to be, where the value of life was small, and that some believes that others have a higher value than the majority.

He remembers stories of innocent civilians dying from the entire villainy. The will of his mother states that whomever the leader of the next kingdom is, that they make sure the tragedy shan't repeat itself. King Colin did not want the world to experience the tragedy his people experienced before, but did not want to pour in his troops to fight, and so, he came up with a plan.

[Image: 6aFTBUsl.jpg]
(Picture of King Collin)
"Ferdinand, call your eldest daughter."

Same day, Maximum Security Prison.

"Herzen! You have a visitor!"

Anthony sat down in his cell with a red book, he had asked the Prosecutor on providing him with an armchair and a music player. He was isolated from the other inmates, and was sent to isolation. The Prosecutor also requested the judge to provide Anthony with delicious hot meals every suppertime.

"It has been twenty years since I haven't' got a visitor, and it appears that the number of death threats have appeared to dwindle… Who is it that tries to visit me?"

"Why don't you just come and find out…. You freak."

Anthony was admitted out of his cell, his body tied with a strap jacket. He was escorted to the communications booth made for isolated criminals. He took a seat, and waited for his visitor. A woman arrived in front of him, clothed in white, and her skin, pure. Anthony continued to display his usual cold face, but inside he can't help but admire the beautiful face. Anthony noticed her uniform, and learnt that it was not of Catholic origin.

[Image: UCgRu6rl.jpg]
(Picture of Anthony Herzen)
"You are a representative of the Forsaina Monastery?"


"Ah yes, many others have came just like you. They tried to cleanse my soul from the evil I have grown accustomed to. They need to be more open minded really, and know when to give up, they need to know that there are some people that would never be atoned by god."


"Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Catholics, Forsaina, Elemines, shamalamadingdong… They all tried to put me in a brighter side. CAN'T YOU SEE? MY CRIMES CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN! LET ME DIE IN HERE!"

The lady kept a cool mind, and kept her eye contact with Anthony.

[Image: ijVDinhl.jpg]
(Picture of the young cleric)
"Logic dictates that when one commits heinous crimes, we should reply to them in the same manner. You can't take the lives of those you have killed, and your reputation? You can't clean it, I don't think you could… It's not a second chance that I am offering, I am offering an opportunity for you to do something good."

"Do you think that I am good inside?"

"I think that no one is pure, no one has their heart cleansed or blackened. There should be an equilibrium in the heart's content. Black and white, if you may.. Black and white….. Your evils must be counterbalanced by doing something good."

"Why have you chosen me?"

"Because…. My grandmother saw something in you that no one does… She sees that you could change…."

"Do you concur with your grandmother? Why are you here instead of her."

"She passed away giving birth to my uncle……. Personally I would look for other people, but I have been told by my Grandfather to give you a chance….. The security guard that'll keep watch of your cell at 20:00 is a spy we have planted, he'll get you out of this prison, only if you decide to take up our offer.

The cleric slid a children storybook.

"Oh duck, where have you gone?"

The cleric winked and left the box, leaving Anthony to come back to his cell with his new book.


Anthony's guards switched, and he took time to ponder on wether he should take this opportunity. He analysed his cell, and decided that if he were to die, he were to die trying to atone. He opens the book the cleric gave him, and said the remainder of the sentence the Cleric quoted.

"I am here hippo! I am here!" shouted Anthony.

The door was unlocked, and a rush of security guards sedated him. He tried to resist, but they were too much. He lost consciousness and fainted on the floor.


Anthony came to, and he was laid down on the table. His eyes were directly below the shining light, and he immediately sat down on the table. It took him some time to neutralise his sights, and when he did, he saw King Collin and the cleric sitting down looking at him.

"Ah, you are awake… Surely you know who I am, but surely you don't know where we are. Mr. Herzen, Welcome to the Regal Condottieri."

Having consulted and received authorisation from the Council of State,

I hereby grant the Sporaltryan Government permission to place its military within the Republic of Kringalia for the purposes of our protection.

However, it is the desire of the Council of State to avoid wanton destruction and loss of lives, whereupon I have been instructed to communicate our condition that all foreign forces will be held accountable to the Department of Public Safety, who will be the only official authorised to permit the movement of troops and weaponry within our territory, for purposes other than what is strictly necessary for the defence of Kringalia.

Given thus on the seventh of September of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty nine, in the city of Mathers,

Leonardo Miller
Republic of Kringalia

On behalf of the Council of State
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

Lorhurst palace, Dominion of Noctenos

Stephan Hollins, Rex Excelsum of Noctenos, looked up from the stack of papers on the mahogany escritoire before him as he spotted his lifelong friend and Princeps Excelsum of defence, Gaius Beltran, walk through the doors of the study at a brisk pace, stopping a few feet away with a salute and the customary "Ave".

A smile came to Hollins' his face at finally getting a break from all the paperwork. Noctenos was on the verge of a crisis due to a shortage of fertile land and thus food supply, resulting in political and economical instability. Prices were rising exponentially, and food security was threatening to give way under the stress; many edicts and proclamations had to be made if famine was to be prevented. A pause from all of that, even if short-lived, was a true blessing.

"What is it, Gaius?"

"We've received an encrypted message from the Karnetvor Empire, sire," he slid the received message over the desk, "It's about the war."

And just like that, the smile in his face was gone, stern eyes going over the words in the paper several times, and then coming to a stop over the signature at the bottom. There was a long pause as deafening silence filled the air.

"Has the council been notified of this?"

"Yes, sire."

Another long pause, this time followed by a steely sigh.

"Convene the generals, mobilize the legions, cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war! Send an encrypted message back to the Karnetvorians; we shall be on their side of this bloodshed!"


Ryccian invasion of the former Sporaltryan Colony

President Thomas Eightwern and his panel of generals decided that Ryccia needed to invade the former Sporaltryan Colony. The strategy was to prevent Karnetvor from expanding further and to intimidate the Empire.

First, the Ryccian Air Force bombarded the colony's military posts. This proved partially successful.

Moments after, two campaigns, a 250,000-strong invasion, commanded by General Keith Vastuigk, began their attack and additional 50,000 force also invaded. Their leader was General Erik Okuzuriki.

"Uiki aiki repukila oi Ryccia! Uiki aiki repukila oi Ryccia!" These were the cheers of the soldiers. They mean: "For the republic of Ryccia! For the republic of Ryccia!"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


August 23rd, 1949:

Thus far, the day was going well, or, at least as well as any day could be expected to go when running a nation like the Dominion of Tekarai in such a tumultuous time as they were living in.  Thus far the day had gone by without any reports of major attacks by the few insurrections in mainland Ubesii or any other issues requiring immediate, drastic action, and Johnathan Fletcher, supreme leader of the Dominion of Tekarai, was preparing to retire for the evening.  

Just as he had finished packing his suitcase and had put on his bowler hat, a young, out of breath aide burst into his office, barely getting off the traditional Makre Salute before hastily informing the Supreme Leader of the events that had unfolded not long ago in Casietya.  

“I apologize for the interruption, but, my Lord...we have just learned of terrible news from Casietya-” the aide stopped short, taking a moment to catch his breath.  Fletcher placed his suitcase back down and took a seat in the nearest chair, waiting for the aide to finish.  “Sir, the Crown Prince of Karnetvor has been assassinated along with his wife during their visit to Casietya!”  

Fletcher’s expression turned stony, he had been worried that something like this may happen when the prince’s trip had been announced, it was now clear what was about to happen, it was inevitable, war was upon them, and there was no way to escape it, and there was only one action to be taken.  He turned to the aide, his expression unwavering

“Thank you, my boy; you are free to go now.”  The aide quickly scurried out of the room.  After the aide had left, Johnathan Fletcher stood up and walked back to sit behind his desk, his day was long from over.  The Tekarian military quickly started mobilization, and a brief meeting was held the night before the South Pacific was consumed by war.

August 30th, 1949:

The endless delays caused by miscommunication, equipment malfunctions, and, of course, the Ubesiian insurgents, had finally ceased, and the Tekarian military was finally ready for the war to begin.  At long last, Tekarai, honoring it's alliance with the Karnetvor Empire, declared war on Sporaltryus and Ryccia.

Later that day, a large force of the Tekarian fleet landed on the peninsula at the western end of the sea between the two eastern continents, reinforcing a military base that had been set up during the tail end of the War of Terror six years ago.  This base would prove to be a crucial staging ground for Tekarian military operations in the west.

At the same time, Johnathan Fletcher announced that all Ubesiians were to be moved to Ubesiian only districts for the duration of the war.  Unbeknownst to all besides Fletcher himself and his closest advisers, this was merely the first step in a plan that would become known as Operation Cleansing Fire, a plan created by Fletcher years ago to rid Tekarai of the Ubesiian vermin once and for all.
Unity, Order, and Freedom
-Motto of the Republic of Ubesii
The Ever Silent and Anxious Kiwi(Bird) of The South Pacific

Grand Palace of Zadiner

King Joseph sat at his table drinking and thinking as usual. Papers were spread everywhere - resistance groups, a few complaining citizens about taxes, a few run down neighbourhoods, all things normal. Bu then there was the newspaper, somewhat out of place it seemed. News of the war, the Great War, plagued the pages of the newspaper. Radio broudcasts continued to pump out info on the crisis. Growing concerns of stronger imperialist nations were rising. The King disliked it. It was time to settle this.

He thought and thought. He was going to write a letter to the Prime Minister to organise something to be said on a radio broadcast. He wrote somehing along the lines of not joinin the war, just staying neutral etc. He nknew there would be the usual haters and the ususal crazy lovers but decided to go wih the plan. The meeting followed and it was settled: King Joseph would speak on radio.

Parliament House
The broadcast started, interrupting rudely all the other programs.
'Good day to all my fellow citizens. May we all just remember our wonderful county we live in (a standard starter for political speeches).' Instantly approximately 200 radios were turned off across the country.
'As it is impossible by now to not know, I won't bother askig whether you've heard of the current war. I understand greatly it is a large scaled one and countries are gaining land in a flash. Many of you are probably thinking we will join the war like all the others. But I have decided otherwise this time. We do not need more conflict. Therefore the Great War will not be our war. I do understand we are a sort of imperialist country but the government has decided we do not side withthe beliefs of the Karnetvor Enpire led side. But we have agreeded if Ryccia becomes in desperate need, we will join on their side. This is due to our strong coultures heritage with them and the large amount of border crossing made annually. I have decided we shall let The South Pacific destroy itself, I will not let us be destroyed with it. Thank you'. The broadcast ended. The King was quite happy and believed it would go well with the citizens.
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Sedunnic Armed Forces Headquarters

"Ah, the colonel is here. Have a seat, Kvestarl." Kvestarl was greeted by the supreme commander, general Huovvierr, and was shown to an empty chair. He walked through the the conference room, towards a large table. Around the table sat high ranking officers, who chatted in small groups. Some of them, wearing civilian clothes, appeared, just like Kvestarl, to have had their vacations abruptly interrupted. Before going to the staff meeting, he had quickly changed to his uniform. It was a mistake, he was apparently the last one to arrive, and now the others had waited, for him.

"Colonel, if you're going to be late, just make sure you wear the uniform correctly." Huovvierr smiled. Kvestarl looked down and discovered he had forgotten to fold out a piece of cloth that had not been present on the older uniform. Some of the men laughed, and more joined the laughter as two more officers discovered they had done the same mistake.

"Alright, let's get down to business, immediately. I've just returned from a meeting with the State Emergency Group. We agreed as follows. There will be no general mobilisation right now, but all higher command structures are being activated. We will also drastically increase our surveillance efforts, especially around Tekarai and the closest Karnetvorian possessions." The general looked to two high-ranking officers dressed in blue uniforms. "Yes, that means you. Surveillance aircraft and ships, free hands." The two officers nodded. "You will also send reinforcements to Flered, according to plan."

"We will also ready and activate the outer defence. That means full mobilisation of the standing army. Civilian Defence are also taking their corresponding measures to prepare evacuation and possibly general mobilisation. Gentlemen, it is unclear if we are involved in some evil scheme or if we will be left alone. Worst case scenario is a two front war. That concludes my briefing. Respective branch commander takes command and makes the necessary decisions to implement SEG's decisions. Execute!"

"Yes, general!" Three officers answered loudly in unison.

The officers around the table split up into three groups according to branch; the army, navy and air force. Kvestarl joined the group with mostly dark grey uniforms, the army. As commander of the southern stationary coastal defence forces, he would ha a key role in the preparations.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Northern Federal Territory (a.k.a Former Sporaltryan Colony), September 10th, 1949
The invading Ryccians were greeted by a seemingly endless barrage of artillery and anti-aircraft fire, which only ceased after the positions were disabled by the Ryccian bombers. After that, the Royal Karnetvorian Air Force (RKAF) tried to intercept the airplanes carrying the Ryccian soldiers, to no avail. The Ryccians had landed.

The Karnetvorian soldiers were waken up by the sound of explosions and gunfire. For some, it would be the last sound they would ever hear. Pvt. Sakharov sighed and said, "It seems that this will not be so easy after all". Sgt. Hoffmann calmly replied, "Sorry to tell you this right now, but I told you so". Then they and the other soldiers took their rifles and secondary weapons, and left the barracks to fight against the incoming enemy.

Sgt. Hoffmann and his squad positioned themselves in a trench. He manned a MG42 machine gun, while Sakharov and the other soldiers provided covering fire with their semi-automatic Karabiner K-45 rifles. They held on for two hours, until Ryccian mortars exploded near the trench, killing five soldiers and wounding two. The platoon's commander, Lt. Abramović, then ordered the squad, "Fall back! Everyone fall back!"

After a week of fighting, the Karnetvorian forces withdrew to a defensive line 20 kilometers away from the capital.

Cabinet Office, Karnet City
Prime Minister Masić was in a Cabinet meeting, discussing the war.

"Alright, this war will likely last for some time, considering that, somehow, Ryccia managed to get its forces to the North. But there is no need to worry. Now that we convinced Noctenos to join us, and Tekarai honored its alliance with us, I can say without a doubt that we will be victorious", said Masić.
"To be victorious, we will need to drive the Ryccians out. We can't let them get this close to the mainland", said Samuel Koch, Minister of the Interior.
"Trust me. They will not last long. The Ryccians can only get their supplies and reinforcements from two places; the mainland, where they have too pass over neutral airspace, or the Siculite Islands. The Navy's submarines and the Air Force will hunt down every ship or airplane coming out of the Siculites. Not a single ship will get through", replied Gen. Dragov, Minister of Defense. He continued, "I've also sent an encripted message to our allies asking for support against the Ryccians, so we'll soon outnumber them too".
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
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The war lasted another five long years.

In the Former Sporaltryan Colony, after two weeks of fighting, the Karnetvorians withdrew to a defensive line and stopped the Ryccian advance. The Karnetvorian forces held until the Ryccians started suffering from a lack of reinforcements, weapons, and ammunition. Karnetvor counterattacked, and destroyed the Ryccian forces in the colony. The last Ryccian forces in the colony surrendered on December 10th, 1949. The Ryccians who managed to escape capture or execution were evacuated by ship. The prisoners of war were forced to work in labor camps in Mainland Karnetvor, the Antarctic Territory, or Tasternine.

Following this victory, Karnetvorian and Tekaraian paratroopers landed on the Siculite Islands in February of 1950. In a month, they defeated the Ryccian defenders, but the Ryccians and the natives fought a guerrilla campaign, that wasn't fully defeated until April. The islands were annexed by Karnetvor.

Karnetvor started supplying weapons and ammunition to Ryccian-based Laiwanese rebels, who wanted independence for their country. The rebels gained control of parts of then-Ryccian Laiwan, but became reliant on Karnetvor for supplies. In September 1950, Noctenos and Karnetvor invaded Awesomiasa with the intention of splitting the country between them; Karnetvor wanted to recover territory lost in an earlier war, and Noctenos wanted lands to solve its economic hardships. The "Imperialists", as their enemies called them, were delayed by the tough resistance of the Awesomiasans and the "Allied Nations" (Sporaltryus and Ryccia), and after early November, the brutal winter. The Imperialists only fully occupied the country after March 1951, but never fully controlled it, because the Awesomiasan government in exile organized resistance efforts from abroad.

Three months passed, on which the only noteworthy event was the passage of a new law in Tekarai, which deprived Ubesiians of their citizenship and forced them to live in closed-off ghettos. This changed in June, when Karnetvor and Noctenos invaded present day Karlstadt, which fell in two weeks. Karnetvor gave it to Noctenos, fullfilling its promise. On July 12th, 1951, the Imperialists (Karnetvor, Noctenos, and Tekarai) invaded Sporaltryus from two directions; from Karlstadt and from Tasternine. The invasion, codenamed "Operation Elephant" was initially a massive success; as the Imperialists occupied the south and east of the country. The Imperialist advance was halted in December, once again because of the weather, and the Allied Nations' forces managed to reorganize. Also on December, Tekarai and Karnetvor bombed a Sedunnic Navy base to intimidate them, as the Sedunners had shown sympathy for the Allied cause. It had the opposite effect, and Sedunn declared war. 

On February 1952, the Imperialists resumed their advance, but with much difficulty, as the Sporaltryans and Ryccians inflicted heavy casualties. Finally, on August 1952, the Karnetvorian, Tekaraian, and Noctenosian forces laid siege to the Sporaltryan capital, Castietya. The battle was absolutely brutal, as it quickly degenerated into house to house fighting. In October, the Imperialists had taken half of the city, but couldn't replace their losses so easily as the Allies. In December, the Sporaltryan forces counterattacked, destroying the Noctenosian and Tekaraian divisions that defended the outskirts of the city. The Sporaltryans then surrounded the Karnetvorian forces. The situation became dire, as they were left without food, water, or ammunition, and supplying the besieged Karnetvorians became impossible. They were annihilated. The Battle of Castietya, the most bloody battle of the war, ended on February 4th, 1953, when the remaining Karnetvorians surrendered to the Sporaltryan forces and the devastated city was liberated. The Karnetvorian, Noctenosian, and Tekaraian survivors were captured and sent to POW camps. They only returned home after the end of the war.

The battle proved to be the turning point of the war, as an Imperialist counter-offensive failed spectacularly. In Karnetvor, Prime Minister Masić was given emergency powers, allowing him to take decisions without parliamentary oversight. In Noctenos, protests started to appear. In Tekarai, the government started the "Final Solution" to the "Ubesiian problem"; it deported Ubesiians to concentration camps, and killed them by shootings, or gas. A rebellion started against Tekaraian rule.

[end of part 1]
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Conclusion (Part 2)

After the Battle of Castietya, the Imperialist forces were in a state of disarray; of the initial invasion force of 2.000.000 men, almost half had been killed, wounded, or captured. The Sporaltryan and Ryccian forces started recovering territory at at an alarming rate. On April 5th, 1953, the remaining Karnetvorian and Noctenosian forces made a counter-offensive to re-capture the river. It proved to be a disaster, as the Sporaltryans and Ryccians outnumbered them, and finally defeated them on May 1st. Most of the Imperialist tanks and aircraft that saw action in this battle were lost. The Imperialists were forced to retreat. By June, the Karnetvorian, Noctenosian, and Tekaraian forces had been driven off from the Sporaltryan mainland. In their withdrawal, Karnetvor and its allies implemented a scorched earth policy; the Imperialist soldiers burned villages, destroyed railways and roads, killed civilians, and looted or destroyed anything that could help the enemy.

On July 19th, 1953, following the Battle of the Tasterninian Sea, on which the Sedunnic, Ryccian, and Sporaltryan navies destroyed Karnetvor's Tasterninian Fleet, the Allies landed on Tasternine. It fell a month later, on August 25th. Tasternine was the first "official" Imperialist territory captured by Allied forces.

By this time, the Karnetvorian-supplied Laiwanese Rebellion had been defeated, due to the fact that Karnetvor could no longer give the rebels their much needed weapons. The situation in Tekarai was increasingly desperate because of the growing Ubesiian rebellion. A rebel group, based on the mysterious country of Hammerstar (mysterious because it had a reputation of "dissappearing" any foreigner that entered) began operating; it carried out missions of sabotage against both Imperialist and Allied forces and incursions in Karnetvorian and Sporaltryan territory, protected historical sites, defended civilians against military operations and mass executions, and provided medical care to the sick and wounded of both sides.

On September 14th, Sedunnic, Ryccian and Sporaltryan forces landed on the Siculite Islands. They were liberated almost without resistance, as the defending Karnetvorians had run out of supplies due to the fall of Tasternine, and were demoralized. The Karnetvorians surrendered three days after the landings. The invasion of the Karnetvorian colony of Aschenburg, on September 25th, wasn't so easy, as the Karnetvorian soldiers had built a complex system of trenches and fortifications, that only fell two months later.

In December 1953, Ubesii declared its independence from Tekarai. That meant that it could no longer take part in the war, due to the internal rebellion. On February 10th, 1954, the new Republic of Ubesii had defeated the Tekaraian Army and stopped the Ubesiian Genocide. Tekarai, faced by a possible Allied invasion, informed the Allies of their decision to surrender unconditionally. Karnetvorian Prime Minister Masić took the news as a betrayal, and severed relations with Tekarai. Ubesii, now enjoying international recognition, declared war against Noctenos and Karnetvor. Since then, Ubesii sent its own units to fight with the Allies.

In March, the Noctenosian and Karnetvorian troops in Karlstadt were defeated by Sporaltryus, and left as quickly as they came; it only took two weeks.

On April 2nd, 1954, the Allies landed on Awesomiasa. Despite the tough resistance of the Imperialist forces that were still willing to fight, the Allies liberated the country a month later. Next, on May 10th, the Allies invaded Karnetvor's Antarctic Territory, capturing it on May 31st and freeing the Allied prisoners that had been working there since the beginning of the war. In Karnetvor, that day is known by some as, "the day the Empire was lost".

On September 20th, the Sporaltryan, Ryccian, Sedunnic, and Ubesiian forces, crossed the strait that separated Awesomiasa from Noctenos. The initially fast Allied advance was halted by a Karnetvorian counter-attack, "Operation Night Owl". It was the last time the Imperialist forces were on the offensive, as the better supplied Allies quickly overpowered them. Karnetvorian Minister of Defense Gen. Roger Dragov said to Prime Minister Masić, "there is no way we can overpower the Allies. We must accept defeat if we want to keep what is left of our dignity". Following Masić's negative response, Dragov resigned.

On February 14th, 1955, with the Allied forces approaching the Noctenosian capital, and with the risk of a revolt, Noctenos' Rex Excelsum, Stephan Hollins, proclaimed Noctenos' surrender to the Allies. A month later, Karnetvor was too on the brink of collapse. It could no longer produce weapons (and had been forced to use obsolete ones from the 1910s) nor feed its soldiers or people. The latter started to revolt.

In March 1955, Ryccian and Sporaltryan soldiers landed on the Former Sporaltryan Colony. The same one they had lost five years prior. They quickly overpowered the exhausted Karnetvorians, and had liberated the entire colony by May, despite Karnetvor applying the same scorched earth tactics it used in Sporaltryus. Ten days after the invasion of the colony, the Allies crossed the southern Karnetvorian border, invading Karnetvor's Southern Federal Territory. It too was in Allied hands by May 24th.

On June 1st, 1955, Sporaltryan, Sedunnic, and Ubesiian soldiers coming from Karlstadt landed on Mainland Karnetvor. Simultaneously, Ryccian forces entered from the east and assaulted Peach Creek, Karnetvor's second largest city.

Prime Minister Masić tried to convince the Karnetvorian people to fight to the death for their country, but they had enough. Behind the scenes, Gen. Dragov, King Peter II, and the Opposition started plotting to overthrow Masić and end the war. In an emergency session on June 5th, 1955, Parliament voted in a motion of no confidence to dismiss Masić's government, with most members of his own party voting in favor. Masić contacted the army to evaluate his options, but Dragov had convinced the Armed Forces to remove Masić by force if the plan failed. King Peter officially deposed Masić on June 6th, and ordered his arrest on charges of abuse of power, violating the Constitution, and war crimes; which was carried out the same day. Dragov was appointed Interim Prime Minister by the King. Due to his earlier support for both the war, and Masić's government, the King's position became untenable, and, to avoid a general uprising, he abdicated in favor of his daughter, Princess Zelda. 

The next day, June 7th, 1955, Karnetvor surrendered to the Allies, ending the Great War. More than 40.000.000 people died on the war. It is the deadliest war in South Pacifican history.

Following six months of Allied occupation in Karnetvor, Noctenos, and Tekarai, a Final Settlement Treaty was signed between the Allies and the Imperialists. Karnetvor was declared to be the main responsible for the war. As such, it lost all of its colonies, with the exception of Tasternine; half of the Tasterninian population was (and still is) of Karnetian (Karnetvorian native) descent. Aschenburg was given independence, while the Antarctic Territory was placed under Allied Mandate (that is, it was co-administered by the Allied countries). Karnetvor also renounced all claims to the Sporaltryan Colony on its eastern border, and lost the Southern Territories (the Southern Federal Territory and three Federal States), which were placed under Allied Mandate. In total Karnetvor lost two-thirds of its territory, and lost its status as a major power. Princess Zelda was officially crowned Queen on January 1st, 1956, and elections were held two weeks later, resulting in an Opposition victory. 

To this day, the war is a controversial topic in Karnetvor, and Prime Minister Masić (who was released in 1969, dying three years later) is a controversial figure, with some praising him for defending the country's interests, and others condemning him for bringing it to ruin.

Noctenos and Tekarai also lost its colonies, and Tekarai was forced to recognize Ubesii's independence. The Imperialists were also forced to pay war reparations to the Allies, which were completed in the 1970s. In 1989, after the fall of the monarchy, the new republican government in Karnetvor announced it would not respond to any more reparations claims, due to the debt being already paid.

Sporaltryus and Ryccia became the prominent regional powers, but all collaboration between them stopped in the 1960s, when Sporaltryus tested a new weapon "to end all wars", nuclear weapons. Ryccia got their own weapons two years after Sporaltryus, and both nations accused the other of espionage and warmongering, leading to an arms race, and to a persistent rivalry and hostility between the two countries, that still exists.
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

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