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Blackstar, Dark Matter, Big Muff

I've said it before and I'll say it again

"There is no conventional hierarchy as such in our ranks, we rely on trust and mutual respect between our members to present a united front.
Do not be afraid to ask any questions, however dumb or simple the may seem - although we have a lot of experience among our numbers we are more than willing to share that knowledge, and you may bring ideas to the table that have not been considered before.
No matter how wild or crazy a scheme may seem do not be afraid to put it forward - I am sure that I speak for all of us when I say that any ideas that are put forward will be considered carefully and, if viable, could be swiftly adopted.
A word of caution though - Present a viable plan to execute an operation and you could find yourself being tasked with leading it!
Don't worry about the tactics and techniques, if you decide to take part in the military you will be taught all that we can teach you.
We believe in giving our members the tools and skills to enjoy a rewarding career in Gameplay, but, perhaps more importantly the support to put what they learn into practice. "

So much for ranks, awards, command structure, now on to practicalities

Being available at update is not the be all and end all of military ops - anybody can act as trigger and/or point with a little practice.

Planning is more essential - when where & why
Whether it is to attack or defend, our members need experience
The Administration seems as clear today as it was a few months ago as to what it wants the military to do.
Therefore the logical step is to carry out exercises that will not enrage either the doves or the hawks, but will equip our forces to operate in any scenario.

These can be carried out either in
  • Warzones
  • Regions we already control
  • Regions we create for the purpose

The first would probably be ambitious to try straight away, given the present condition of the  SPSF.
The other two options allow us the luxury of controlling the WWW to suit our needs in "laboratory" conditions

IF we can recruit enough members then we can conduct "Capture the Flag" style exercises

Until we have a body capable of acquitting itself in the field with confidence then alignment is a moot point

1. How do you propose we recruit members? Would you passively wait for recruits and them train them, or go out there and talk to different nations?

2. How do you propose motivation levels be kept, if there are not going to be ranks, awards or anything specific to aspire to, following each mission?

3. Could you tell us about your credentials in military gameplay? I am probably not the only one who isn't sure if you have previous experience, and if so, where and when.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

How will you lead missions or train other members without update availability?

When I first moved Distortila into this region I was still heading up TRF (as Forestarnya)- not the organisation that Misley now heads up, but rather the force that included Proletaurus and La Passionaria, Marxingrad and Cuba Socialista

Now these names may not mean anything to you, acting as we did on the peripheries of gameplay by concentrating on the Left vs Right political aspect of GP rather than the more common Raider/Defender/Independant/Imperialist mainstream - i guess you could say it was a little bit of a sideshow.

We were generally regarded as pariahs - we didn't conform to the orthodoxy, so we couldn't be trusted.

This isolation meant that we did not enjoy the "tools" that other militaries enjoyed to identify targets, we did not benefit from having experienced veterans, we had learn by our mistakes.

And boy did we make mistakes! Our "participation" if it can be called that, in the attempt to liberate The Proletariat Coalition highlighted our inexperience in update operations. However it also revealed how little trust the Establishment really had for us.

However, after a tentative start our sideshow became a viable force, we developed our own trackers and tactics to maximise our limited resources  - Strange as it may seem, we never actively recruited for members, they came to us :o and our offsite HQ for active participants boasted 230 members at it height.

We were courted by Raider and Defender alike to throw our hat in the ring with them. They failed to realise that our objectives simply did not converge, so assumed we must be siding with their opponents. Naturally our dealing with the "Imperialists" were slightly more delicate, being philosophically opposed to their viewpoint, but I can reveal that intel was provided by TRF to enable certain regions of interest to be wrested from the hands of "fascists", and naturally we were more than happy to provide aid to any GCR campaign against Nazi Europe  Wink .

Over time our "contribution" to Gameplay did register - I think both TRF and Antifa have been up for condemnation more than once, but neither have ever been awarded probably because we never fit wit the accepted profile!

So what has all this to do with the topic at hand I hear you say?

Well, I bought together a collection of disparate bunch of individuals with varying skills and objectives, and by providing an environment in which they could learn and put to practice their ideas forged a cohesive, co-operative unit that were able to stand in the field against raider defender and the WA (we refounded more than one region that was subject to Liberation Proposals at the 11th hour! Tounge )

Although I was present on many missions, my circumstances meant that I could not take part in the majority, and therefore had to entrust my colleagues to do the deed, but everything was planned and outlined beforehand. They key was to ensure that anyone who wanted to try their hand at an operation was given the encouragement via a method of explain demonstrate review. If a TRF member wanted to take a particular region I would first ask then to assess whether the goal was achievable, then  run through how to determine its update time. Then I would ask the trainee to gather sufficient participants and  that they be online at a time when I would be available, I would explain where my trigger was placed, and why, and would usually assign the point position to the trainee.
Once the demonstration had taken place, a de-breif would be conducted to review what had worked, and what had not. If the mission was successful then the participants were usually motivated to want to have a go at the next one, and to step up to the task. Having seen the mechanism they were also invited to "go solo" and see if they could do it themselves

Our objectives were clear, and support, either in the form of advice or WA's was always given if it was available

The point is that to lead an effective force in Military Gameplay it is not  necessary to always deploy at update - by limiting ourselves to such operations we limit opportunities to project TWP's power far and wide. If you want to raid at update go join TBR, if you want to defend at update only, see what FRA are up to (but don't hold your breath) .

I am not afraid of getting my hands dirty so to speak, but I also see the disadvantages of having resources tied up that could be deployed more effectively elsewhere - flexibility is a prize that is well worth having if we wish to exploit ad hoc situations. Even if there is no supporting WA force around at update there are still assets that can be acquired with a little foresight - I believe one of my puppets Ar Geal caused quite an incident when it refounded Fandom Alliance? 

The game is not always about capturing all the pieces but rather taking the ones that have significance and purpose, a tactical, strategic or political value that goes beyond merely slugging it out with your opponent in a numbers game. 

As far a recruitment goes, success is a powerful advertisement - even more so if it can be shown that a relative newbie can do it - word of mouth is a powerful medium

It may be unorthodox but I belieive in empowering people rather than commanding them - willing volunteers make better fanatics than coerced subordinates

You mean 'TSP's power'?
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

I understand what you mean, but when your force is so limited in size, won't it be difficult to run any missions if you don't have update availability? What other kinds of missions would you consider?

(03-18-2015, 04:52 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: You mean 'TSP's power'?

Last I looked I still headed up the "arch enemy" armed forces too

(03-18-2015, 05:31 PM)Sopo Wrote: I understand what you mean, but when your force is so limited in size, won't it be difficult to run any missions if you don't have update availability? What other kinds of missions would you consider?

Classic sleeper subvert and destroy is a facet that all GP forces should cultivate - to activate a high influence sleeper at a moments notice can often pull the rug from under your opponents - in the past I have handed such puppets over to my colleagues to allow them to take regions and deliver a knockout blow with minuscule forces available 

Sleeper networks can also provide sounding stations for opportunities and intel

I didn't say I would never be available for updates - depending on my work schedule/daylight saving I can do probably 50% weekday minors & most weekend ones, The intention would to be to choose the battlefield based on our strengths rather than be a reactive firefighting unit. 

(03-17-2015, 05:44 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: 1. How do you propose we recruit members? Would you passively wait for recruits and them train them, or go out there and talk to different nations?
Coming back to this question directly, a tactic which served TRF well was a form of pyramid recruitment

Any player that could muster the support of two others would be halfway towards being able to carry out a basic operation. If they could show such leadership aptitude, then with a liitle tutoring they would be able to undertake missions - the more missions they undertook the more their reputation would grow, and the more attractive joining their squad would be. New recruits would be directed to join a squad that matched their inclination and/or timezone The original supporters would become deputies, and even cultivate squads of their own. The command structure was therefore quite organic.
Another aspect of recruiting in this way is that it engendered loyalty and trust. Working in such a cellular fashion if  a squad leader was asked to recommend somebody for a particular op they would be aware that it was their reputation that was on the line - if that recommendation proved unwise hen the squad leader would find it harder to get any reciprocation for their own ops. A squad leader had to have faith in his squad members, but also had to take the rap for their errors. Building up such trust takes time but is also means that resources are more flexible - if a squad leader had no-ongoing ops there was always some other squad leader that would be happy to receive the support, and who knew he could rely on anyone sent his way

That is why I have stated that a rank system will not be imposed from the outset, but will grow from the actions and desires of those involved - it will not be a top own structure but a grassroots movement. 

The only question is who wants in at the ground floor?

(03-20-2015, 02:12 PM)Ditortilla Wrote: Classic sleeper subvert and destroy is a facet that all GP forces should cultivate - to activate a high influence sleeper at a moments notice can often pull the rug from under your opponents - in the past I have handed such puppets over to my colleagues to allow them to take regions and deliver a knockout blow with minuscule forces available 

Sleeper networks can also provide sounding stations for opportunities and intel
Let me get this straight... You're suggesting we do full griefing and region destruction?

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