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Charting a Path

The Peony's Manor, Lian, 17th of March, 2019

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It was close to lunch, and the matrons were busy preparing the dishes in the kitchen. Sauteed vegetables and chicken on the wok while the rice was steamed with stock. The manor's matrons continued as they cooked, it will take some time until lunch is ready to be served, but The Peony is willing to wait.

Meanwhile, at the right wing of the manor, both Aran Koigataki and Sebastien Lister are browsing around The Peony's father's collection of heritage items. In particular her father's collection of indigenous Poenic cloths and textile, all that was of great interest for him and his research. Clothing and garments were a great link between understanding the mindset of the paeonisians, as different garment materials and embroidery would have cultural signifiers of identity, status, and wealth for makers, users, and observers alike. He was trying to find a link between the people of Huawan and the people of the frost empire, and the symbolism from garments might be the key to it.

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Aran continued to shuffle through different types of garments while opening catalogs of garments neatly preserved like stamps. Sebastien Lister stood there austerely, though he was bored out of his mind. He was molded and smithed to become a disciplined royal guardian of The Peony of Huawan, and he had his share of fights and anything concerning his past. Rin was a tough teacher and an even harder taskmaster for the royal guardians, yet their loyalty towards the guardians and The Peony of Huawan was unwavering.

Nevertheless, even Rin's special training can't get him to stop being disinterested in these things. Sebastien's type of fun time is drinking at the nearby pub while watching some wrestling or playing some paisho with the old men near the manor complex while drinking some sugarcane juice. Accompanying this foreign four-eyes bigwig looking at textile cloths is another level of boring. Luckily, Sebastien was good at poker, and he has a very good poker face.

Aran continued to look at the garments and take pictures of them for reference, he took some notes on his tablet and at times gave a sigh. He's still wondering about the things that happened half an hour ago, the bizarre encounter with Rin, and her facets all served to him in a single half an hour. Of her austerity, of her passion, of her drive, of her fears, of her insecurities, of her anger, and of her embarrassment. When Sebastien met with Aran moments ago, Aran quickly put his collared shirt back on and came back to earth, he was still wondering whether the entire encounter with Rin was real, it seemed like something someone would sloppily write.

Aran took his glasses off and stretched a bit, before sneaking a gaze at Sebastien Lister. He wondered where he's seen this man before, he's certainly not a part of the usual set of members from the Royal Guardians, the man was taller with a stronger build, not to mention caucasian. Yet he wore the official royal guardian uniform, well, not the ceremonial one at least.

"Honorable guardian," said Aran, "may I be so blunt in asking who you are, where have I seen you before, and why you look awfully familiar?"

Sebastien faced Aran, and bowed a bit.

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"Permission to answer, honorable prince." said Sebastien, "I am Sebastien Lister of The Peony's Royal Guardians. I believe I've met you on the day of my employment, honorable prince."

"Sebastien." Aran though he's definitely not from the Peocracy all right. He continues to speak, "and when would that day be? If I may ask."

"It is.." Sebastien didn't know how to answer the question respectfully without saying such a crass remark on his employer, "on the 26th of May, 2017, honorable prince."

"Ah," Aran said. He came to understand what Sebastien Lister meant, that interesting day. Come to think of it, what a weird turn of fate this is. Two people who were in the running to court The Peony, ended up staying for something else, whilst The Peony sees Aran as a confidant, Sebastien became an employee under the Peonic Royal Guardians. What were the chances that an event as insane as the secret courting for The Peony led the both of them here?

"So... you were...my rival, of some sorts," claimed Aran, as he tried to smirk.

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"Yes, honorable prince." Responded Sebastien, he still remembered when it was "his turn". The man ended up trying to look his best while eating the best noodles he ever tasted. The Peony just looked at the man in front of him, a man with a great appetite and a sense of realism. The Peony can read a lot of people, and he knew well enough the facade of "a gentlemen" he was putting on was a clear fake. Yet it was his honesty that made The Peony interested, even asking him of his actual motives, motives that ended up him becoming offered an opportunity to become a member of the Royal Guardians.

"It's a better life now, at least." Sebastien thought, although sometimes he couldn't hide his little crush on The Peony of Huawan, which she herself knew and accepted as goodness whilst inferring nothing more.

Now it was awkward between the two, one that was held back by code, conduct, and boredom. While another, a man that has unaccommodating social skills, especially after the things that happened a while ago.

"So honorable guardian," said Aran, trying to break the air, "how are you doing as a royal guardian?"

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"If I may be blunt, honorable prince. The process has been a tough one, but it's a living, being the royal security detail. I wonder what came to the Peony's thoughts when she offered me this job, the empress told me that if I was unwilling to return back to Floodport, that I could stay, and she would give me employment." Said Sebastien, trying so hard to remain cordial. "The empress told me if I had any skills, she knew that I wasn't the brightest man she's ever met, but I only have my body to offer. She certainly wasn't going to make me a pencil pusher."

"So she offered you a job in the royal guardians?" Asked Aran, intrigued.

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"It seemed like something easier. Under The Peony, all I had to do was to keep her from harm's way and wear a suit. A bodyguard, easy enough, much like my....previous employments." Sebastien said, "however when I was introduced to the High Knight, the head of the Peonic Royal Guardians, I certainly didn't expect that I'd be going to hell and there was no coming back."

"The High Knight?" Asked Aran, knights aren't something that Huawan would have, and it's the first time he's ever heard the existence of knights. "He's the leader of the royal guardians?"

[Image: 159605797-e1358530872686.jpg?w=720]
"..She, honorable prince, was one of the harshest and cruelest women I've ever met in my training to become the guardian. Apart from needing near-perfect fluency in mandarin and passing the intelligence exams, we were trained in many different types of combat martial arts. But nothing comes close to the signature."

Aran listened, he had thought that the training was a standard-issue, like the ones that he saw with his family back in the Frost Empire. He was wondering about this "signature".

FaoLing Monastery, Aweiqinna, 6th of October, 2017

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The High Knight stood infront of Sebastien, a woman shorter than him with a bit more leader build. Yet she had bested him multiple times with her blades in various spars. It was a cold, it was harsh, it was nothing like he's seen before.

"I've told you that I did not need to get myself a weapon," said the High Knight, as she pointed the swords at his neck "I'll take your blades from you once you were through with them."

The rest of the guardians stood silently around the entire proceeding. Watching Sebastien continuously being defeated again and again by the high knight, Sebastien was much larger and stronger, but crude, The high knight was weaker, smaller but quicker and more precise.

"Your hardware is of the highest quality, mister Lister." said the High Knight, lowering her swords, "but your software is one of the worst I've ever seen, it has method, but it's crude. It'd be difficult to teach you from scratch with our usual techniques."

"I am prepared to do anything," said Lister. "I can't go back, I can't go back."

"...Your spirit is wild, mister Lister. Your state has to be calm, free of anger, irritation, fear, self-pity, delusion, and pride." said the High Knight, "You are is much well suited to learn the combats of your own country, the Izaakian Krav Maga or the Karnetvorian Systema, but first, you must throw away all that's within your spirit that imbalances you so."

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"These are necessary in order for you to learn the true way of the guardians, 夭護犧." Said The High Knight, "To protect and sacrifice for the sky, once known, your entire body will be a weapon, a weapon to protect the, the sky, to protect the Peocracy, and her Peony."

"If taught, I will learn it." Said Lister, bowing to the ground "I will serve The Peony of Huawan."

The High Knight gave a nod, she knew that Sebastien Lister was a difficult person to train as a Royal Guardian. Yet she persisted, her instructors would certainly mould him to be ideal.

"Very well, we shall impart upon you the teachings of the guardians." said the High Knight.

The Peony's Manor, Lian, 17th of March, 2019

"The High Knight of The Peonic Royal Guardians, its a position made for the leader of the royal guardians. A position was given to The Peony's most trusted confidant." said Sebastien, "I think the honorable high commodore Zheng He once held this position for The Peony's grandmother, The Peony Lingxin Yan."

"And I assume the high knight is your superior?" Asked Aran.

"In a way, she's more to the leading guardian in every operation to protect The Peony. She's not exactly the strongest out of all of us, but there is more to the royal guardians than strength alone." Explained Sebastien, "it's also interesting to note that the high knight is The Peony's own sister."

"Really? I didn't know the Peony has another sister." Aran remembered what happened in the Spring Festival Ball this year, when The Peony's older sister has finally reconciled with her older sister. It was a scandal for an entire month in the news, one that was discussed constantly for a week after the festivals.

"Yes, well she's not exactly the most famous royal. Unlike some of your cousins or other royal members in the region, honorable prince," said Sebastien.

"I understand." Aran said, "Sebastien, if I may ask. What is Miss Kagamine like?"

"Why are you inquiring about The Peony's sister, honorable prince?" Asked Sebastien.

"......Now it makes sense," said Aran, he tried to contain his surprise, living in The Peonic manor, able to go in and out of the kitchen. The lot. It continued to dawn upon him of the facts. "So... the honorable princess Rin Kagamine is the head of the Peonic Royal Guardians?"

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"Chosen by The Peony herself and her mother, the honorable princess had her service in the Peonic Field Army as a soldier, before being promoted to the Peonic Air Service, rising to the rank of Captain First Class. She's also the Wushu gold olympian in the country, I believe she'll soon be a Wushu grandmaster."

"What is she like?" Asked Aran, the thought just came to his mind, and it blurbed out right away. "personality-wise."

Sebastien was interested in gossip, he gazed left and right to ensure no one was listening in, even though it's a closed room and they're the only ones there. Anything to break the boredom.

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"Strict, disciplined, and austere when she's active. She's one of the most dedicated people I've ever seen dedicate themselves to something, and it shows on the field." said Sebastien, "I've not known her as much, but I am satisfied in being a trusted person for her. At times with her friends, she can play around or joke around and there's a feeling that she's a bit more opened or relaxed than The Peony, even though she still has royal conduct to think about."

"I see, she does strike me that way." said Aran, nodding. "she's a very interesting character indeed, loyal and always up for a challenge. She is such a delight to talk to if you get to know her."

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"More of a pain in the ass at times," said Sebastien, chuckling, "as much as I adore the high knight, she is a bit abrasive and controlling. We understood that she needs to be objective especially with the task at hand, but she's rather impatient and inconsiderate with the other guardians."

"I suppose that years in service did cause her to be vain and judgemental with her platoon," agreed Aran, remembering the things that he noticed in his own service back in the Frost navy. "Nevertheless I see her controlling nature is her being determined and practicality to ensure The Peony remains safe and secure. She's very impressionable, despite being reserved and esoteric compared to the big picture."

*Knock knock*

The door was knocked and brought the two men back from their locker room talk. As Sebastien tried to return his composure, Aran straightened up his posture.


The door swung open, and Rin entered with her usual composure and discipline, she walked slowly but with precision. Wearing her wushu garments under a long pink hijab and an embroidered necklace. Similar to an abbess of a Peonic daoist monastery. Looking at Rin, Sebastien knew that Rin is still inactive, yet there are some responsibilities that she is unable to shake off.

"Honorable prince Aran, I am instructed by The Peony to inform you that lunch has been served, and she asks that you join for lunch." informed Rin as she gave a bow.

"Yes, I shall join her in a couple of minutes." responded Aran.

[Image: Lindswell-Kwok.jpg]
Rin then gave a light sigh before facing the two again. "I also do not appreciate any conversations behind my back, honorable prince, I find it distasteful and absolutely shallow that you did so." Said Rin, trying to keep her composure, she turned to Sebastien. "You as well, mister Lister, I look forward to see you tomorrow."

Rin then gave a bow, before turning and walking away. Lightly slamming the door behind her. She was extremely angry, and as Sebastien gulped on the punishment he'll receive from Rin, Aran felt that he just squandered a golden chance.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Messages In This Thread
Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 10-29-2020, 05:32 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 11-03-2020, 03:19 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 11-15-2020, 09:58 AM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-12-2020, 02:25 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-18-2020, 02:31 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-23-2020, 12:26 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 01-13-2021, 11:45 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-13-2021, 09:18 AM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-14-2021, 12:41 AM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-16-2021, 12:10 AM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-17-2021, 05:38 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-22-2021, 07:43 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 12-30-2021, 11:47 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 01-01-2022, 01:30 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 01-06-2022, 07:41 PM
RE: Charting a Path - by Hammerstar - 07-01-2022, 08:21 PM

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